The Dominican Retreat House in McLean, VA has announced
a three-part "Women's Spirituality Series" featuring two of the most radical
"Catholic" feminists in the country. Diann Neu and Mary Hunt, co-founders
and co-directors of WATER [Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and
Ritual] are scheduled to speak Feb 29 and March 2e respectively. Both
women are out-of-the-closet lesbians affiliated with many aggressive,
heretical, "Catholic," feminist groups including WOC [Women's Ordination
Conference], CFFC [Catholics for a Free Choice], Women-Church Convergence,
New Ways Ministry, and the Conference of Catholic Lesbians. Donna Steichen,
author of Ungodly Rage: the Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism, expressed
shock. "Not Neu and Hunt in the Arlington Diocese [known for orthodoxy]!"
she said. "It is not possible to get more deliberately, maliciously subversive
than they are."
Neu, a former nun, practices wicca, a new-age pagan religion
of goddess worship. Her topic, The Spirituality of Valiant Women, takes
place "within the context of ritual." Neu's past history reveals what
that double-talk means. In 1996 she spoke at CTA's [Call to Action] national
convention where she outlined her plan to develop liturgies that "destroy
the patriarchy" by "transferring power to women." WATER's website carries
a document by Hunt titled Of an Index that says Neu has "developed liturgies
for first menstruation and menopause, for naming and croning ...." A crone
is the stereotype of the old witch of fairy tales. Neu also developed
a ritual for affirming a woman in her choice of abortion. CFFC uses it in
one of their brochures.
Hunt's topic, Women Friends - Divine Companions, covers
the "various dimensions of friendship and spirituality." She demonstrated
her idea of "friendship" in 1993 at the Re Imagining Conference in Minneapolis.
Hunt invited her audience to "imagine sex among friends as the norm, young
people learning to make friends rather than to date. Imagine valuing genital
sexual interaction in terms of whether or how it fosters friendship and
pleasure .... Pleasure is our birthright of which we have been robbed
in religious patriarchy. It is time to claim it anew with our friends:"
Hunt's background also includes stints on the board of
directors of both New Ways Ministry, a homosexual advocacy group, and
Catholics for a Free Choice, a proabortion front group funded by Playboy
and other proabort/population-control foundations. Hunt teaches at Georgetown
University to their shame.
of Contents