November 7, 2010 Boycott the CCHD Collection this November Nothing's Changed at the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Thirteen bishops refused to participate last year in the Catholic Campaign for Human Developement (CCHD) collection taken up in most dioceses the weekend after Thanksgiving. Ostensibly to help the poor, CCHD is notorious for refusing direct aid to the poor, funneling money instead into radical leftwing organizations. Recently the bishops established a review and reform committee and now claim that CCHD is fixed. Forget it! CCHD is still the same group as it began – formed to pick the pockets of Catholics in the pew to pass it to radical groups some of which work for abortion, contraception, and the election of liberal politicians like Barack Obama who advance socialism. Stephanie Block, a researcher who has followed CCHD for at least 25 years, reviewed their recent report and finds it unconvincing. There is NO reform of CCHD! Just like the bogus reform of 1998 when the group was exposed for giving money to pro-abortion organizations and added "Catholic" to its name, the latest fix is the same cosmetic cover-up. Read the articles below and boycott CCHD this November.
From the Les Femmes Blog: I urge you to read and forward to your friends and your pastor. Friends don't let friends give to CCHD. Support a real charity – a local crisis pregnancy center, homeless shelter, or soup kitchen. If you're in the Diocese of Arlington there's a petition asking Bishop Loverde to withdraw from CCHD. You can sign it here. I contacted the group to make sure the only use of your name will be to urge Bishop Loverde to stop funding CCHD. Please pray for its success. The time has come for a new national charity run by orthodox laity that takes NO GOVERNMENT MONEY, is completely voluntary (i.e., no forced giving through taxes) and operates strictly in accord with Catholic teaching. There's one in the works. More on that later. And if you need a suggestion for charitable giving – Divine Mercy Care gives low cost and no cost care to women in crisis pregnancies. Visit their website and if you have a few dollars to spare, they deserve your support. They are also working hard to expand their medical model of pro-life Catholic service to other places around the country. Please pray for their success. Mary Ann Kreitzer |