the fullness of truth resides in the Catholic Church founded by Jesus
Christ through the apostles and promulgated by the Pope and the Magisterium
in union with him;
the message of prayer, penance, and reparation given by the Blessed Mother
to the children of Fatima challenges us to personal holiness;
the seal of confirmation makes us soldiers of Christ called to continue
the apostolic tradition of defending and spreading the faith even to the
point of sacrifice and martyrdom;
God has ordained the institution of marriage between a man and woman as
a permanent, lifelong commitment for the dual purpose of loving and cherishing
one another and co-creating children who are protected and nurtured in
a loving family;
fatherhood is essential to both the spiritual and physical health of the
family and the development of children's faith;
contraception, sterilization, and abortion assault the nature of men and
women reducing them to mutual sex objects which contributes to promiscuity
and fornication among the unmarried and infidelity and divorce among the
chemical contraceptives, intrauterine devices, and abortion represent
serious health hazards to women increasing their risk of cancer,
heart disease, strokes, pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility, and death;
contraception, in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and abortion
destroy the dignity of children making them doll objects to be sought
after or destroyed at will;
classroom sex education usurps parents' authority and treats children
like hormone-driven animals incapable of moral responsibility or self-control,
robbing them of innocence and virtue;
its members to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of personal holiness
through living the sacramental life of the Church and the message of Fatima;
and upholding the faith when it is attacked by those either within or
outside the Church in fidelity to our confirmation promise to be soldiers
of Christ;
the complementarity, not artificial uniformity, of the sexes;
for the restoration of the institution of marriage and the family
affirming the essential and complimentary roles of both mother and father;
fathers to embrace their responsibility as spiritual heads
of the family;
motherhood as a full-time career recognizing the unique
contributions to society of nurturing and educating children in a loving
the virtue of chastity, promoting Natural Family Planning, and working
to eliminate the scourges of contraception, abortion, and classroom sex
moral relativism in all its manifestations;
the light of truth on organizations that are working to undermine the
Catholic faith and the American family.
We take as our models Mary, the Mother of God, the perfect example of
womanhood and her spiritual daughter, St. Joan of Arc. In their different
and unique roles, each said "yes" to God's will. May we, as women of truth,
do likewise.