Pastor Objects to Listing on Gay Website
I have learned that
your name was listed as having forwarded an article from LifeSite Daily
News, dated March 30, 2004. In this article, the parish of St. Andrew
the Apostle in Brooklyn, NY, has been listed on a website of what has
been called “gay-friendly” Catholic parishes.
Please know that
the parish staff of St. Andrew’s promotes a welcoming Catholic atmosphere
that fully adheres to the teachings and discipline of the Roman Catholic
Church, including in the area of sexual morality. We seek to proclaim
the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness, nourishing the souls of the
faithful with sound spiritual food. We do not promote “sodomy and
other perverted sex acts” in any manner. The suggestion that we
are knowingly offering Holy Communion in a sacrilegious manner is false.
I am contacting
as well as in order to inform them of this. If you
wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.
Msgr. Guy Massie,
Brooklyn, NY
CNS Cheers
“Notorious Dissenter” Charlie Curran
The Arlington
Catholic Herald did not print this letter. We agree with its content and
join the author to ask why The Herald doesn’t use more reliable
news sources? We personally recommend Catholic World News. Editor
Once again, Catholic
News Service, an arm of the bishops' conference, disappoints. In your
CNS article, "Six New Books on Pope John Paul II" (ACH 4/14/05),
first on the list and receiving favorable mention as "complete,"
"useful" and an "approachable summary," is a book
by notorious dissenter Charles Curran. While the review mentions he was
barred from teaching as a Catholic theologian, why publicize him in a
supportive way in a Catholic newspaper?
Coincidentally enough,
Curran came in for mention two days later in a Washington Post story on
dissidents. The author pointed out that Curran is at odds with the Church
on contraception, sterilization, homosexuality and divorce.
We also learn in
that story that, from his professorial position at Southern Methodist
University, Curran teaches "there are different levels of truth."
there are other sources for material for the Arlington Catholic Herald,
i.e. ZENIT, RNS, even L'Osservatore Romano.
Charles Molineaux
McLean, VA
Offend Modesty in Herald’s Wedding Issue
The Arlington
Catholic Herald solicits photos of brides and grooms married during
the past year for the “wedding issue.” All photos this year
(and nearly all last year) showed brides in strapless gowns with chest,
back, and arms bare. These appear not to be wedding gowns, but ball gowns,
more suitable to a debutante’s “coming out” party.
Yet these pictures
show brides in bridal veils. A veil is a symbol of modesty. The combination
of the veil and the bare top of the bride is a ludicrous depiction. In
wedding tradition the shorter of the two-part veil covers the bride’s
face. Her father, or whoever “gives her away,” lifts the short
veil when they reach the sanctuary revealing her face to the groom. With
much of the top of the body already revealed, what is the point of veiling
the face?
As warm
weather approaches, many pastors admonish their flocks about not wearing
sundresses, shorts, tanktops, and other immodest garments to Mass. They
give scandal, and can be an occasion of sin. In the past, such warnings
were unnecessary; Catholics knew better and Catholic girls were noted
for their modesty. Now it appears both bishop and pastors blink when it
comes to weddings. While fashionable according to the “world,”
these gowns are immodest and offensive for Mass and reception of the Sacraments.
Bishops and pastors could DO something about this outrage. Let us pray
to the very model of purity and chastity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, that
Catholics will exercise better judgment in what they wear and The Herald
in what it prints.
Front Royal, VA
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