Grinnell calls “take” on peace poles “strange”
Even though
I’m no longer on your mailing list, a friend shared with me your
article on our Peace Garden. Thanks for spreading the word about the garden.
We hope many will enjoy it in the community.
Even though
I found your “take” on the peace poles a little strange, I
hope you will come back again when the trees and flowers are in bloom.
Another good time to visit the garden is at night when it is all lit up.
I think you will find it a wonderful place to reflect, to rest, to meditate
and to pray.
As you know,
we have put out many benches and chairs for people to sit and relax —
seeing the trees, the fountain, the peace poles and the outside of the
Church building in different perspectives.
Spread the
word that all are welcome!
Fr. Tuck Grinnell
Falls Church, VA
we find a “little strange” is a priest who promotes new age
paganism, false ecumenism, and an “institute” that features
modernists like Anthony Tambasco. If you want a good head-shaker by all
means visit the garden. Don’t go at night, however. It’s isolated
behind the Church surrounded on three sides and is likely to be put to
some “strange” uses. Is your insurance up-to-date, Father?
Readers, please pray for Fr. Tuck. He is a gifted priest who could bring
many to a closer walk with the Lord if he applied his talents to fostering
the one, true faith instead of pagan innovations and “strange”
novelties. Editor
send kudos for Les Femmes’ Apostolate
Thank you
for your constant vigilance and prayerfulness. I love receiving your informative
Oakton, VA
Rest assured
that you and your apostolate are in my prayers. Please don’t give
up the fight.
Homer Glen, IL
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