Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Deacon Tom McDonnell who courageously preached the truth about Congressman Brian Higgins’ shameful positions and suffered censure from his pastor and bishop. May St. Ambrose who had the courage to rebuke an emperor pray for this brave deacon.
To Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun who publicly stated the self-excommunication of business-man Richard Lunger for allowing an abortion mill to open in his shopping mall. May St. Rupert, first archbishop of Salzburg, who converted many through his missionary zeal, intercede for dear Bishop Laun.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Fr. Art Smith and Bishop Edward Kmiec Buffalo pastor and bishop of Deacon Tom McDonnell. They tickled the ears of pro-abort politician Brian Higgins while chastising the deacon. May St. Gregory VII, who earned the enmity of the king and nobles of his day by his reforms pray for these clerics.
To Roger Cardinal Mahony whose West Coast Religious Ed Conference continues to undermine the faith of thousands of CCD teachers every year. We call on St. Michael the Archangel to take action to end this wicked event and intercede for the Cardinal’s conversion
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