Les Femmes




1. Don’t let good priests be forgotten. Write to the Signatura asking that Fr. Joe Clark be restored to the active priesthood:

Apostolic Signatura,
Cardinal Agostino Vallini, Prefect
Piazza della Cancelleria, 1 00120
Vatican City State, Europe

2. Write to the Signatura and ask why there has never been a decision in the case of Fr. James Haley. His tribunal met in February of 2005 and two years later he remains in limbo with no decision from the court. What kind of justice is that? If you would like to financially assist Fr. Haley send a check c/o Les Femmes and we will forward it to him.

3. Investigative reporter Robert Kumpel, a friend of Les Femmes, is banned from his parish in Valdosta, Georgia because he challenged the inappropriate conduct between the pastor and his office manager. The pastor spent many evenings at the woman’s apartment and was regularly seen around town in her company. Robert’s been accused of “stalking” them, a ridiculous charge. He needs to fight this. Send donations to Lay Catholic Defense Fund, 411 Central Pl. Valdosta, GA 31601.

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