Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker, OR who is developing a video program to help parents establish strong and loving families. The program teaches parents practical skills to build strong attachment relationships with their children so that the home will be a community of love where children are protected from sexual predators and other evils facing our culture. May Our Lady of America, intercessor for the sanctification of the family, assist and protect this good shepherd and draw many to support and use the Baker program to truly guide and shelter their children.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Fr. Steve Meriwether and Fr. Cameron Ayers, S.J. pastors of MHR and St. Agnes in San Francisco who promote gay pride in their parishes. Fr. Ayers is on video marching in a pride parade that included bare-breasted women, nude men, sadomasochists acting out, and every kind of lewd activity. Fr. Steve is shown blessing (with holy water?) the parishioners heading to the 2007 parade. These two priests tickle ears while condoning behavior that cries to heaven for vengeance. We beg the intercession of St. Peter Damian, who warned against sodomy, for these priests to return to the faith.
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