Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Fr. Thomas Bartolomeo, recently fired associate pastor of St. James in Rockford, Illinois, for his eloquent defense of Church teaching on marriage, the family, and contraception. May his patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, intercede for him to continue boldly and charitably to proclaim the faith. And may his listeners be moved to conversion and pursuit of holiness, embracing the fullness of Catholic truth.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Bishop Paul Loverde who, after numerous requests to ban Dr. Anthony Tambasco from Arlington parishes, would take no action to prevent him from spreading his heresies at Good Shepherd in Alexandria on the day of the March for Life. We invoke the intercession of St. Gianna Molla, who died to give her baby physical life. May the Lord raise up bishops who, as spiritual fathers, care as much about the souls of their flocks as this heroic mother cared for the body and soul of her baby.
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