McCarrick: Your Holiness, I'm called Cardinal Comfortable because I'm "not comfortable" criticizing pro-abortion Catholics. Bush: Sir, I'm just a Methodist boy who can't find nucular weapons in Iraq, but I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, clearing brush, and hanging out with Texas friends like Brownie and Harriet. Mrs. Bush: I'm with him. Sambi: Your Holiness, don't blame me, I just got here and, to put it in your language, “es geht nicht schoen.” Wuerl: Your Holiness, it's not "my style" to criticize Mrs. Pelosi or confront anybody and cause a scene before I get my red hat. Will that be soon? Pray for the Church. Rev. John Smith Reid Group Founder Shills for Diversity We checked out the website, which raised plenty of red flags. Reid runs “missions” by laity who preach at Masses, promotes Earth Day and The Earth Charter which front for population control and gay rights, and endorses new age gurus like Deepak Chopra . This looks like one more “Catholic” dissent group infiltrating parishes to preach new age ideas to the unsuspecting. Any readers who have information about The Reid Group, please contact us. Editor |