Letter Insulted President and Mrs. Bush
I receive your newsletter and have always enjoyed it. You keep us aware of things that are happening in our diocese. Most times I agree with everything you publish, but the letter from Rev. John Smith was very disappointing. Pres. Bush showed graciousness and honor to the pope; it was very insulting to him and Mrs. Bush the way they were portrayed in the letter. President Bush is pro-life, morally conservative and has been an excellent leader. I pray there will be no more insults to him in your newsletter.
J.R. Centreville, VA
Disturbing Instances During Papal Visit
As with all American Christians, I rejoiced at our pontiff’s visit to the U.S.A. However, some disturbing instances occurred. I refer to several “Catholic” legislators who support the “rite of choice” and were allowed to receive Holy Communion. Abortion is murder and prohibition of murder is one of the foundations of our faith. Some of our bishops have said Holy Communion should not be administered to those who propose the rite of choice. Other bishops have not made or supported such a declaration. Our Church is one. It is rightly called Catholic, universal, and apostolic. It cannot be a “cafeteria” of beliefs. To accept God and God’s faith is what Our Lord requires of us. “If you love me keep my commandments.” The Church cannot survive half dead and half alive. What should be done? First, the bishops must put their house in order and unite in support of life. Second, parishioners who support choice should be counseled. If they persist in error, they should be excommunicated.
All Catholics who belong to and vote for choice through the Democratic Party should do all they can to change the death policy. If they can’t change it within a reasonable time, they should abandon the party of death.
J.D. Woodbridge, VA
Reader is blessed by Exposé on New Age
What a blessing your article that included info on "A New Earth" was for me. I needed that information to witness to a dear friend who was getting swept away by it. Would you consider joining their website oprah.com/anewearth where you are invited to ask questions? I think it could be an opportunity to minister to them and give them some food for thought. You and the Holy Spirit would be great!
A.D. via e-mail
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