Les Femmes


***Strange Bedfellows, Immoral Networks    What would you think if a friend told you he was appalled by discrimination, but invited the KKK and the local neo-Nazi skinheads to join his coalition for safe schools? Wouldn’t you wonder how sincere he was? You might challenge him saying, “How can you give respectability to those who not only hold abhorrent views, but advocate violence against minorities in the schools?” Fair question? That’s exactly the situation with Fr. Tuck Grinnell’s VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement) network, an affiliate of the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). Take a look at a few of the echo chamber buddies who lobby together for more state & federal tax dollars to “help the poor.” [What ever happened to the Catholic principal of subsidiarity?]

***Dar al Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church 
   The Islamic mosque, a neighbor to Fr. Tuck’s parish, St. Anthony’s, is frequently in the news – not for its charity, but for its connections to terrorism. The latest notoriety came following the murders of thirteen soldiers (and one unborn baby) at Fort Hood and the wounding of thirty more. The shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, attended the mosque in 2001 when a radical Jihadist imam, Anwar al-Aulaqi preached there advocating death to infidels. He has links to 9/11 although he publicly condemned the attack at the time! After Hasan’s mass murders done in the name of Allah, al-Aulaqu praised him on his website. (Dar al Hijrah condemned the comments.) But Hasan isn’t the only terrorist connected to the mosque. Three of the 9/11 attackers worshipped under al-Aulaqi including the pilot who crashed the plane into the Pentagon.

   Established in 1982, the mosque boasts several militant jihadists among its founders including  Ismail Elbarasse, a known supporter of Hamas and Mohammed al-Hanooti, who was named on the U.S. Attorney’s list of unindicted co-conspirators in the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. A former staff member, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2003 where he confessed plotting to assassinate President Bush. After being extradited to the United States, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to 30 years in prison for the plot and for supporting the terrorist activities of Al Qaeda. A U.S. appeals court later raised his sentence to life. In 1999 Ali was valedictorian at the Saudi Islamic Academy in Alexandria where his classmates voted him “most likely to be a martyr.” The mosque and the school have cross fertilized a number of budding terrorists.

   In 2005 when the current Imam, Shaker Elsayed, took over at the mosque, he was quoted by AP saying “Islam forbids you to give allegiance to those who kick you off your homeland, and to those who support those who kick you off your homeland. We do have license to respond with all force necessary to answer our attackers." [But Islam is a “religion of peace.”] Elsayed is former head of the Muslim American Society (MAS) which he left in 2005 to become imam at the mosque. MAS started as a chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to give the extremist group greater prominence and make its ideology more mainstream. While MAS is a separate entity now it is still closely connected to the MB, sometimes referred to as the Muslim Mafia. MB promotes establishment of Sharia Law in the U.S. and, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, provides the “ideological under-pinnings for almost all modern Sunni Islamic terrorist groups.” A 2004 internal MB memo said, “The ikhwan (brothers) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad (holy war) in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” As head of MAS Elsayed called the Jihad “a must for everyone, a child, a lady and a man. They have to make Jihad with every tool they can get in their hand.” Dar al Hijrah’s website links to both MAS and MB. Investigative reporter Paul Sperry, author of Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington calls Dar al Hijrah a “turnstile for terrorists.”

***Another VOICE Pal is Bull Run UU     
Unitarian churches don’t support Catholic values. In fact, they have few, if any, values at all. Unitarianism is pretty much religion as social club which fits Bull Run, located in Manassas, to a T. It’s an LBGT-welcoming congregation and a “green sanctuary” which they define as, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” [Alert! Keep off the grass, your brother!] If you want to know more about the “green sanctuary” movement they have a 118 page manual you can study. BRUU describes “religious” education as a “search for truth,” puzzling since to Unitarians all truth is relative, so there isn’t any. Members of the congregation have been deathscorts at the Prince William abortion mill next to a crisis pregnancy center which saves many poor babies no thanks to BRUU. The church social calendar includes Coven [oops!] Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS), an “officially recognized portion of the community…who seek to express spiritual beliefs that are not considered mainstream.” [Witchcraft isn’t mainstream?] BRUU was celebrated in the news last April for sponsoring a gay prom. The church also celebrates “First Friday” [not to be confused with Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart.] which is a “venue for watching GLTB themed films and discussing issues faced by the characters and by ourselves.” [Fr. Tuck, didn’t your mom ever talk to you about the prudence of avoiding “bad companions” and occasions of sin?  BRUU is both.]

***The Other Churches in VOICE: Stephanie Block writing at SperoForum.com addressed the VOICE network and tallied the pro-abortion churches involved: “11 are Catholic and presumably adhere to Catholic teaching about the intrinsic evil of abortion. The rest are predominantly from denominational scions – progressive break-aways from mainline religious traditions”– that support abortion. For instance, since 1971, the United Church of Christ has affirmed a woman’s right to access to safe and legal abortion. There are three United Church of Christ congregations…. In 1978, Unitarian Universalists declared a ‘right’ to contracept and abort. There are 5…. The conservative and reform branches of Judaism support a woman’s “choice” to abort and have 3 congregations in VOICE. The 5 Presbyterian members of VOICE are Presbyterian Church USA congregations. The Presbyterian Church USA also affirms a woman’s ‘choice.’ United Methodists support the legal option of abortion...and there are 5…. Baptists have no centralized institutional authority, meaning there’s a good bit of variation from congregation to congregation. …Of the 8 Baptist congregations of VOICE, most seem to belong to the National Baptist Convention, which is divided on the abortion issue. The Episcopal Church USA Executive Council formally made the Episcopal Church a member of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in 1986. There are 2 Episcopalian congregations in VOICE….

“So the question is, why is the pro-life Catholic Church in a political coalition with pro-death denominations rather than other pro-life denominations? Before you answer too quickly, imagine that rather than openly supporting a ‘woman’s right to choose,’ they supported a white man’s ‘right” to lynch?’ I suggest that if the latter situation seems clear-cut, that if pro-life churches would never consider entering into any open-ended coalition with pro-slavery organizations, they have no business in a coalition with pro-aborts either.” [Amen! Fr. Tuck and the other Catholic priests in VOICE, take note!]

***Is George Soros Buying the Bishops? It’s common knowledge that billionaire atheist (and enemy of the Church) George Soros finances Catholic front groups like Catholics for a Free Choice and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. No surprise there? But a bigger story is that he directly finances the bishops, namely the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC), a project of the USCCB. According to Accuracy in Media, Soros’ Open Society Institute has given the group at least $530,000. What does he get for his money? CLINIC’S website says they have “176 diocesan and other affiliated immigration programs with 290 field offices in 48 states” “1,200 attorneys and ‘accredited’ paralegals who… serve 600,000 low-income immigrants.” That’s a lot of lawyers supporting illegal immigration (despite the word “legal” in their name). CLINIC labels as “unfair” laws that: “penalize businesses or city contractors that recruit or employ undocumented workers [Don’t ask, don’t tell!];… prohibit funding or aiding in the establishment of a day laborer center that does not verify legal work status [Let the bosses pay $5/hr; they deserve cheap labor.];… increase penalties for the use of fraudulent documents for legal status, employment or identification purposes;… fund investigators of fraudulent documents [Aw c’mon. terrorists wouldn’t stoop to fraud!];… make it a felony to drive without proof of legal U.S. residency.” [These are “negatives?” Sounds like common sense to us!] CLINIC heralds as a “positive development” that some localities have passed ordinances to “prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies from enforcing federal immigration laws.” [Silly cops, laws are for legals.] They also oppose statutes to declare English our official language and they support the sanctuary cities movement to protect illegals from deportation. [Is CLINIC an ACLU front?]

CLINIC, like Big Brother, uses the language of the lie in its work. It is not primarily about helping legal immigrants, but advancing “comprehensive immigration reform” which is codespeak for blanket amnesty. It’s obvious from their website that they are working to prevent states and localities from enforcing immigration laws. CLINIC is one more leftwing operation of the bishops’ conference, which explains George Soros’ support. Soros favors open borders and a socialist America. That he’s found allies at the USCCB is no surprise. Before a tolerant liberal starts calling us names, we favor legal immigration and would like to see the U.S. offer asylum to Chinese women threatened with forced abortion. [But that’s not one of CLINIC’s issues].

When the bishops tell us to “welcome the stranger,” it’s legitimate to ask, “who is the stranger?” The Samaritan going down to Jericho helped a stranger. But suppose he came upon the Samaritan during the robbery? Should he run up and welcome the lawbreakers? Welcoming a stranger who knocks at the door is one thing. It’s quite another if the stranger and 30 of his buddies break down the door and trash the house. [Would the bishops remove the fatted filet mignon from their sub-zero fridges, select wine from their thermo-controlled coolers, and set the table with fine china and silver for those strangers…or would they call the police?] Illegal aliens [oops… undocumented workers] are taking a toll on the country. One example: in the past few years besieged southern CA has closed over half its emergency rooms. Out of money!

Question: Do rich elitists like George Soros really care about immigrants? Or do they use these issues to promote their agenda – socialism in Soros’ case? CLINIC: it’s one more proof that the USCCB is an out-of-control leftist lobby! Your Excellencies, issue the pink slips!

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