Locked Doors and Frowns at the Chancery
I thought of you yesterday...My husband and I stopped by in person to the chancery in Arlington to drop off a letter. The *front* (lobby) door to the chancery office was LOCKED. We had to be BUZZED in. What, exactly, is the bishop afraid of? Crazy Right wing nuts like me and my husband, of course!
The two ladies at the receptionist desks frowned at us upon arrival and throughout our 60 second stay. (We were well dressed and smiled the whole time). My husband handed one of them his letter...she handled it as if it had Anthrax in it and her frown became even more pronounced.
What a greeting! What a face to put on the Chancery office! Such an outpouring of Christ's Love! Anyway...I thought you would get a kick (or cry) out of it! I also wanted to reiterate that I LOVE your blog. It's the ONLY one I read. I learn a lot from you...and you've convinced me not to give to the Bishop's Lenten Appeal (the B-L-A,as I keep hearing it referred to). Thank you.
A friend of Les Femmes via email
Stop Funding the USCCB Reader Says
It is very bothersome to see the extreme left views our USCCB [bishops’ conference] seems to have taken. Unfortunately the only thing they'll understand is when the laity stop financially supporting the Church.The L.A. archdiocese has all these fancy terms they use to hold special collections throughout each year, when in reality it's just a way they can get out of funding areas of the Church that they already should be. Like Sunday we had this "Together in Mission", to ask for major pledges for parishes and parish schools in low income neighbor-hoods. I'd rather give my donations to the missions, like the M.C.'s. If they really wanted to improve any parish and its school bring in some good orthodox sisters to teach and be fully active in the operation of our parishes.
Mary via email
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