Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Bishop Thomas Olmstead and Bishop Robert Vasa who confronted the scandals of Catholic hospitals in their dioceses violating Catholic doctrine. Bishop Olmstead declared that those who participated in the abortion of an 11-week-old baby, ostensibly to save the life of the mother, were excommunicated by their actions beginning with Sr. Margaret McBride, a hospital vice president, who with the ethics committee authorized the killing of the child. Bishop Vasa removed the designation of St. Charles Medical Center in Bend, OR as a Catholic hospital for their cooperation in the evil of sterilization. May St. Luke, that glorious physician who gave us the infancy narratives about the little unborn Christ child, intercede for these courageous bishops.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Sr. Margaret McBride for authorizing and justifying the murder of an 11-week-old unborn baby at St. Joseph Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix. May the Holy Innocents pray for her conversion of heart.
To Sr. Carol Keehan and Sr. Cecilia Dwyer who joined their voices to the chorus of liberal nuns promoting Obamacare which will not only lead to increased numbers of babies murdered by abortion, but also to health care rationing especially for the elderly. It will also put more pressure on families to choose terminal sedation and other evil end of life options. May St. Maximilian Kolbe, martyr of Auschwitz, intercede for those who betray the weakest, the tiny unborn babies.
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