Existence of Hell “Almost Totally Ignored”
Your latest newsletter was exceptionally powerful. If only our priests had the courage to deliver this much-needed and almost totally ignored message about the existence of hell.
You are doing a wonderful service with all of your newsletters. God grant that you will be able to continue your wonderful mission for countless years.
E.G. Staten Island, NY
Reader wants Trinity de-listed in directory
Do you know that many Catholic foundations will give to organizations only if they are listed in the Kennedy Book (officially called The Official Catholic Directory – see http://www.officialcatholicdirectory.com/)? You might call for the de-listing of Trinity College. Institutions are listed in the Kennedy Book only after approval by the local bishop.
F.C. Herndon, VA
Ed’s note: I fear that would be an exercise in futility. Archbishop Wuerl has a record of coddling dissent. When Catholic pro-abortion extremist Nancy Pelosi organized a four day gala in 2007 celebrating her rise as Speaker it included a Mass at Trinity celebrated by equally notorious pro-abort Jesuit Fr. Robert Drinan. Fr. John Neuhaus of First Things said at the time, “Catholics and others have drawn the conclusion that [for Archbishop Wuerl] rejecting the Church's teaching on the human dignity of the unborn child is not a big deal." Archbishop Wuerl is not an ally who will take a strong stand on the faith. Trinity is safe with him at the helm.
Tribulations at Trinity Are Chilling
I have just read your latest chilling letter about the tribulations at Trinity with great interest and with growing despair. Like you I have a family interest in a place which
was once a bastion of faith and elegance. God renew your courage and efficiency daily. You are badly needed.
S.O. Front Royal
Lay Women Keep Church on Even Keel
If the Church is to be kept on an even keel, it will be so by lay women like your group. God bless you all.
E.E. Lorton, VA
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