Truth about Sex & Marriage not Preached
Your latest Les Femmes is strong and accurate. President Obama could be made to follow the Constitution and morality if our bishops would speak out and lead. Everything political speaks of morality in which our bishops should be correct. Even from our pulpits the commandments are not touched on. Sex and marriage are “verboten” subjects. Won’t someone put up billboards proclaiming Christ’s saving church?
A.L Vienna, VA
Ed’s note: Too few clerics preach the hard truth which makes it doubly important for us to recognize the courageous ones who do. Be sure to say thank you when you hear the truth preached boldly from the pulpit.
Attending Invalid Marriages is Forbidden
Having read your current newsletter and its trenchant reminder that Real Catholics are forbidden to attend the invalid weddings of “Catholics,” I remembered the same thing preached by Fr. Edward Connolly and repeated in his parish bulletin (enclosed). He is a completely orthodox, hard-hitting priest who is not afraid to tell it like it is. His parish bulletin is a model of what they could (and should!) be.
J.W. Jenkintown, PA
Ed’s note: Agreed. Fr. Connolly’s explanation of why Catholics should avoid invalid marriages is right on!
Same Sex Unions “Straight Ticket to Hell”
Since the beginning of time and throughout the world, marriage has always been between a man and a woman. This is the natural way for society to beget and raise a family. The Declaration of Independence tells us “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.” Among other things this acknowledges that man was created and owes his existence to God, our creator. Mankind has a responsibility to procreate so that the world will continue to exist. The person who lives & advocates same sex unions – lives and advocates sin – a straight ticket to hell! So it is hoped that all God-fearing persons will do all they can to stop the cause of same sex unions.
J.D. Woodbridge, VA
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