Les Femmes


*** VIRTUS: The Safe Environment Scam
Chris Manion in his Wanderer column for September 2nd described phoning VIRTUS facilitators around the country with some questions. You remember VIRTUS, the “safe environment” program run by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group (NCRRG), an insurance company owned by a number of dioceses. It’s supposed to teach children to protect themselves from sex abusers, a pretty heavy load for a kindergartener. Manion asked the safe touch gurus about policy on homosexual participation in the program. The unanimous answer was no problemo. “But what if someone attending the session brings it up and tries to point out that it was a major cause of the clerical abuse scandals?” Can’t happen, the facilitators said. They “redirect the conversation” to the book, no “soapboxing” allowed. Manion found that not only can homosexuals take the class, they can become facilitators and even volunteer with children. Now isn’t that reassuring?

No surprise really. In Arlington a former head of the safety office told CCD directors that children are safer with homosexuals than with heterosexuals. In other words, those with a deviant and disordered view of sex are “safer” for children than those whose inclinations are in line with the natural law. It flies in the face of common sense for good reason. It isn’t true! Judith Reisman documents the extent of homosexual abuse in her study, Crafting Bi/Homosexual Youth. She reports a finding by the pro-homosexual authors of the 1979 Gay Report, Karla Jay and Allen Young. “Fifty to seventy-three percent of homosexual males [self-reported] sex with boys.” Those who abused also had many more victims than heterosexual abusers. Safe babysitters, eh?

*** Honest Data is Hard to Find Today. Between the politically correct coverage by the media, the brainwashing of children in the schools (including Catholic schools), and the phony data provided by “the professionals,” homosexuality is portrayed as the gold standard. Heck, we should all be gay and the world would be a better, more tolerant, safer place! The Boy Scouts don’t agree which is why gay activists target them big time. They give homosexuals a bad name.

***Did you think the bishops wanted a fix? The so-called safe environment programs are not about the children. They’ve always been about the bishops covering up their own irresponsibility. Except for a few shepherds, like Bishop Vasa, who developed his own excellent program FOR PARENTS, the other programs aim at “empowering children.” Expecting youngsters to protect themselves from sexual predators is not only crazy, it hurts children. The Catholic Medical Association in its report, To Protect and Preserve reviewed child empowerment programs and found they do not work because they use abstract concepts beyond a child’s developmental ability. But, from the investors’ point of view, VIRTUS performs well and makes lots of money. So the sex abuse crisis wasn’t a total loss. The bishops who own NCRRG can recover some of the millions paid out to victims by charging people in the pew for VIRTUS to “protect” their children after the bishops did not, while hiding the link between homosexuality and abuse.

***The Newest Heretical Group in Town Catholics for Equality (CFE) was formed recently to promote the gay agenda under the banner of Catholicism. Like Catholics for a Free Choice, the group that shills for abortion, CFE is designed to create confusion about Church teaching on human sexuality. Like other gay activist groups, CFE promotes same-sex marriage, the right of homosexuals to serve openly in the military, and homosexual adoption. CFE is one more in-your-face faux Catholic group to attack the teachings of the Church. According to Thomas Peters at The American Papist blog, CFE is a front group for the blatantly anti-Catholic Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest gay activist group in the country. The same names pop up in both groups. In fact, Phil Attey, the acting executive director of CFE used to work for the Campaign. It’s a shell game with the same folks pitching their poison under multiple headings. New Ways Ministry, Dignity, and now CFE: no matter what they call themselves, they’re heretics attacking the faith.

***Embryonic Stem Cells Unnecessary! Cannibalizing unborn babies for their stem cells is counter-productive based on research results. Rather, a recent breakthrough shows adult skin cells can become any type of body cell needed. If the initial promise bears out, embryonic stem cells would be completely unnecessary – except for one factor: MONEY. According to Jean D. Peduzzi-Nelson, Ph.D. at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, “Money is the driving force in the effort to promote Federal funding of human embryonic stem cells or human cloning….It is a superior business plan to have a mass-produced product, such as embryonic/fetal/cloned stem cells, that can be sold nationwide and has patentable intellectual property. In the case of adult stem cells where, in most cases, a person's own cells can be used, one can only develop a procedure that is generally not patentable according to new patent laws.”

So expect embryonic research to continue unless legally prohibited. Greed is a great motivator! Certainly, research results aren’t the driving force. Adult stem cells that are being used to treat about 70 diseases, embryonic research has had numerous problems including rejection, overgrowth, and the potential of passing on diseases – not to mention the ethical problems. But that’s what happens when doctors trade their promise to “First do no harm” for the policy of “First consider the profit margin?”

***The United Nations is at it Again! In August the U.N. held the World Youth Conference (WYC) in León, Mexico resulting in two official documents. The Guanajuato Declaration contains typical U.N. jargon about saving the environment, reproductive rights, etc. The section on education is almost funny calling for improving “curricula at all levels …that includes intercultural, civic and peace education, solidarity, human rights education, education for sustainable development, comprehensive education on human sexuality, the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.” [Wow! After the schools teach kids how to save the planet, put condoms on bananas, cross dress, pray like Muslims, respect sodomy, erect peace poles, and go on field trips to abortion mills when are they going to teach reading, writing and ‘rithmetic? Guess kids don’t need those skills any more since we’re outsourcing all the good jobs overseas. They can flip burgers at McDonalds.]

***And Then There’s the NGO Document written by the Population Controllers. The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam) which monitors the U.N. had this to say about the document. “Drafted by an elite group of youth delegates, many of whom were handpicked and funded by the pro-abortion UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the recommendations included demands for: a redefinition of gender to include the ‘spectrum of gender identities’ - including ‘intersex’ and ‘queer,’ ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ and ‘safe abortion.’" C-FAM called the meeting “chaotic” saying, “Delegates became increasingly frustrated as they were shut out of the negotiating process. Unlike at the United Nations where meetings are open to any delegation wishing to make amendments, at the WYC delegates were told that meetings were closed and that they should submit written amendments to the ‘drafting committee,’ comprised of a handful of countries.” As for the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) doc, one observer said it “is just about the most radical thing anyone ever saw.” For more information go here.

***Do you live in the real world? Millions of people today live in a virtual world of “let’s pretend.” Abortionists and feminists pretend abortion doesn’t kill a baby. Women who choose abortion pretend or are fooled that the baby is “just a clump of cells” and abortion is no more serious than clipping a hangnail. Even scientists buy into the game. They redefine conception and pretend life begins at implantation, so they can pretend abortifacients are contraceptives. They pretend there’s no link between abortion and breast cancer despite mounting evidence. And look at the on-going assault against those who offer women alternatives to abortion. No one is coerced to accept, but the pro-aborts pretend these acts of charity are “fascist” and “violent.”

***Gay activists pretend that sodomy is the same as marital relations, which means they must pretend the anus is a vagina or a sex toy is a penis. They pretend that a woman can be a husband and a man can be a wife. Some are so committed to the game they mutilate their bodies to sustain the pretense. And educrats join in by pretending that the best interests of children require teaching them that “Heather has two mommies” and that they can fornicate safely by knowing how to put a condom on a banana and getting suited up at Planned Parenthood.

Catholic politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and others pretend their ill-formed consciences overrule God’s law and Church doctrine. They pretend true concern for the poor is shown, not by a personal commitment of time and treasure from their own wealth (accumulated who knows how?), but by forced redistribution of income mostly from the middle class.

All sin requires pretending that evil is good and good is evil. The trick for those who love Jesus is not to play and hold fast to the truth. Some people will do anything to keep the peace. Not the first century martyrs! They served God and didn’t count the cost even when it meant their deaths. Is there anything you would die for? If not what do you live for?

***The Komen Foundation is Anti-Life Do you buy products covered with pink ribbons? If yes you are pouring money into Planned Parenthood (PP) as well as living in Komen’s make-believe world of denying a primary cause of breast cancer – abortion. Komen poured almost $800,000 into Planned Parenthood in 2009. They claim the money goes to breast cancer screening, but it just frees up other money for abortion. In 2008 PP reported an increase in abortions and a decrease in screenings. As for denying the abortion/breast cancer link, a January 2010 study conducted with the prestigious Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle called abortion a “known risk factor for breast cancer.” The proof is there; pro-abortion politics plays “Let’s pretend” it’s not. One day these game-players will be treated the same way holocaust deniers are today. They help to kill women, especially those with a family history of breast cancer, by lying to them about the deadly link.

Stop the cover-up! Spread the word. Go to http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/start/

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