Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Fr. Michael Taylor Administrator of Corpus Christi Mission in South Riding, VA, and
To Fr. John Lakeit Rector of the Cathedral of SS Simon and Jude in Phoenix, AZ. Both these priests have reinstituted the noble tradition of calling boys to serve at the altar. In a culture that treats “gender roles” as interchangeable, they have bucked the tide of political correctness and are willing to face the anger and vitriol of the dissent groups Call to Action and Voice of the Faithful as well as Catholic feminists who see altar girls as a step toward women’s ordination. We ask the intercession of Mary, Mother of Priests for her faithful sons. We also pray that many of their brother priests will follow their courageous example.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To To Jennifer Zickel, CTA, and VOTF for their shameful attack on Fr. Michael Taylor who is phasing out altar girls at Corpus Christi Mission. By aligning herself with two malicious dissent groups that undermine Church doctrine, Zickel endangers not only her own faith, but that of her little girls. May St. Julia Billiart who founded the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur to educate women and was herself persecuted during the French Revolution, intercede for Zickel and her daughters being scandalized by their mother’s foolishness.
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