Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Most Rev. Daniel Jenky who reminds us of the Lion of Muenster, Clemens von Galen who spoke out strongly and publicly against the abuses in the Third Reich. In 2005 Pope Benedict beatified Bishop von Galen for his “heroic courage.” May the good bishop intercede for his spiritual brother, Bishop Jenky, as this modern-day Daniel faces the attacks from the left for speaking the truth to power.
To Most Rev. Robert Morlino a shepherd who cares enough about his spiritual sons to defend them in the face of unjust attack and cares enough about his flock to warn them about the serious consequences of their sinful behavior. We ask the intercession of St. Ambrose who never shrank from warning Arian heretics and calling them back to fidelity. May the fruits of Bishop Morlino’s actions be the sanctification of his people.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Cardinal Donald Wuerl for his draconian action against Fr. Marcel Guarnizo for exercising diligence in protecting Jesus Christ from sacrilege. Let us pray for the intercession of Servant of God Fr. John Hardon who was very familiar with persecution by his Jesuit superiors. May Father, who was marginalized, pray for both Fr. Guarnizo and for his persecutors in the clergy. There is nothing more painful than the betrayal of brothers.
To John DeGioia, Georgetown President for allowing HHS Director Kathleen Sebelius to speak to graduates of the Public Policy school at Georgetown’s commencement. The scandal to students and the larger Catholic community calls for serious reparation. May St. John Cantius, patron saint of teachers, intercede for his brother John DeGioia that he might care enough for students to protect them from deceit and scandal
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