Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Fr. Brian Sistare, who recently took over as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Woonsocket, RI. Fr. Sistare told two gay men who “married” in 2007 to refrain from receiving Communion. Lew Pryeor, one of the men, said he spoke to Fr. Sistare, who said he could receive communion if he ended his marriage to Laveilee. A Rhode Island blog, RIFuture, reported on the case and added that, “Other gay couples who attend Sacred Heart have posted on Pryeor’s Facebook posts that they, too, have been told they would not be offered communion.” How refreshing that a Catholic priest would stand up for the truths of the faith and protect Jesus in the Holy Eucharist from sacrilege. The problem isn’t Fr. Sistare upholding Canon 915 banning public sinners from Communion; it’s all the priests who allow and even encourage sacrilege. May the Blessed Mother be a channel of grace to her faithful son who cares enough about poor sinners to speak.
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Bishop Robert Lynch who recently attacked the Population Research Institute for criticizing Catholic Relief Services’ activities in Madagascar promoting contraception. The bishop blogged writing, “I am convinced that many so-called Pro-Life groups are not really pro-life but merely anti-abortion.” He also attacked pro-lifers for not fighting capital punishment, immigration reform, etc. This from the Florida bishop who did NOTHING in 2005 to save Terri Schiavo from a gruesome dehydration death. In fact, he aided her murder by ordering his priests to be silent. Capital punishment would have been more merciful. Then there’s the sexual harassment charges by former Communications Director Bill Urbanski whom the diocese bought off with a six-figure severance package. May St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church who preached much on sin and hell pray for pharisaical Bishop Lynch.
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