Virginia State Delegate Bob Marshall is running for Frank Wolf’s seat (10th District). The first step is a firehouse primary in April against Barbara Comstock and several lesser candidates. Barbara is not only pro-homosexual, she recently voted to allow the sale of the pill over the counter and has a mixed record on abortion. She appears to be “evolving” on the non-negotiables. Bob, on the other hand, is a rock, a devout Catholic father, often described as the “conscience” of the House of Delegates. Can you help him? Bob needs money and volunteers to make phone calls. This type of primary has a notoriously low turnout. Comstock has the Republican establishment behind her, but Bob can win if he has enough grassroots support. You can speak to Bob directly and volunteer by calling him at 202-537-4770. He’s the kind of legislator who picks up the phone and speaks to his constituents and supporters. Please visit Bob’s website and donate at delegatebob.com and help get him elected! You don’t need to be in the 10th district to make calls but if you do be sure to vote and encourage your friends and neighbors to support Bob Marshall! We need him on Capitol Hill! |