To Fr. Benjamin Kneib, Administrator of St. Columban Church (1111 Trenton Street, Chillicothe, MO 64601) who had the courage to stand up for the faith and protect his flock from scandal by denying Communion to a pair of public lesbians, Carol Parker and Josie Martin, at the funeral of Parker’s mother. Considering St. Paul’s admonition to avoid receiving the Eucharist “to your condemnation,” Father’s act was a profound example of charity. We invoke the intercession of St. John the Baptist who was martyred for calling another lustful sinner to repentance and we urge readers to thank Fr. Kneib.
To the German Bishops’ Conference for undermining Vatican authority and Church doctrine with regard to marriage. (See The Twilight Zone.) May St. Boniface patron saint of Germany intercede for his brothers that they experience his missionary zeal for correcting pagan errors and planting seeds of faith to combat a growing apostasy! St. Boniface wasn’t afraid to directly confront paganism and showed it when, in front of the tribal chiefs, he cut down their sacred oak which split four ways and fell in the shape of the cross. St. Boniface, pray for the German bishops and their flock! |