1 - Don’t sign a POLST, MOST, Five Wishes, Living Will, or any other advance directive that endangers your life. Do sign and carry the Medical Card to Protect and Preserve Life. Order it online at lifeguardianfoundation.org. 2 - Continue to pray for the Ordinary Synod on the family to be held in Rome Oct. 4-25 that the voices of orthodoxy will prevail and the outcome will be positive and holy. 3 - Order and read Eleven Cardinals Speak on Marriage and the Family from Ignatius Press, online at http://www.ignatius.com/ The book is “both a concise introduction to the forthcoming Synod and a helpful guide to applying Christ's teaching to the pastoral care of families. Long after the Synod, these essays will remain valuable for anyone wanting to understand and to proclaim the Gospel of the Family.” |