To Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, WI, who recently instructed all the pastors in his diocese to move the tabernacles into the center of the sanctuary by 2018. He has also encouraged his priests to increase reverence to the Blessed Sacrament by more hours of adoration and more reverent Masses. The Eucharist is the center and summit of everything we do and treating Jesus with the respect we owe Him shows our great love for Him. May all the priest saints who throughout the centuries prayed the Mass with such great devotion, especially St. Joseph of Cupertino and St. Jean Vianney intercede for Bishop Morlino. To Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler, pastor of St. Louis Catholic Church in Alexandria, VA whose recent church renovation restored the tabernacle to the center of the sanctuary and enhanced the beauty of the church to honor Our Savior. May all the holy men and women who built and decorated the great cathedrals intercede for Father and call God’s blessings down upon him. And may St. Louis of France also intercede for him.
To Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello of St. Bernard parish in Brooklyn who not only violated Mass rubrics by letting children at the family Mass fill up the sanctuary, but magnified the disgrace by inviting the children to imitate the world by wearing Star Wars costumes. Instead of giving the children real Catholic heroes, the saints and martyrs of the Church, Father let their heads be filled with the world. May his guardian angel prick his conscience and may all the real heroes of the faith pray for him. |