***Vatican to Commemorate Luther’s Apostasy!
***Lutheran Position on Life Issues is a Disaster! Exactly how is this consistent with Catholic teaching and how can we unite with a Church that officially endorses one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance while it also endorses the root cause of abortion, i.e., contraception and attacks the innocence of children through sex ed? Short answer, we can’t! Unity must be based on truth and you cannot unite good with evil. ***Star Wars Mass at St. Bernard’s in Brooklyn! Good grief, we thought the era of clown, polka, Barney, jazz, balloon, etc. Masses was over, but apparently not. St. Bernard’s in Brooklyn advertised a “Star Wars” Mass for January 31st. Children were invited to come to the event dressed as their favorite characters from the popular series. The pastor, Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, obviously stung by internet criticism, defended the Mass in a written statement calling the 11:30 liturgy the “Family Mass” [Aren’t they all?] where “the children of the parish are invited to processes in with the priest and sit in the sanctuary [!!!] until the conclusion of the Homily.” He wrote that at the Family Mass “different scenes taken from the popular culture…are used to assist the celebrant relay the message of that week’s Gospel to the children.” [Huh? Isn’t the “popular culture” part of the problem?] Father goes on, “Star Wars…is a very popular film series…. The intention of this Mass is to…enhance the children’s understanding of the difference between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The children were invited to dress in costumes of characters…and participate in the same way they normally do at each Family Mass.” Let’s set the scene. You are in the nave looking at the priest surrounded by an assortment of characters from Star Wars: Han Solo, Chewie, R2D2, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Princess Leia…exactly how does this advance the children’s understanding of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? [not to mention the distraction! “Doesn’t little Johnny make a cute Jaba the Hut?”] Is anyone in the Church focused on the true Savior, Jesus Christ? Or are they thinking of Luke Skywalker as Savior of the Galaxy? This is just one more example of showmen priests focused on Mass as entertainment. It is an abuse of the liturgy and an insult to the intelligence of children! Parents who go along with this need brain transplants! ***Where Do They Get These Ideas…Germany? Well, as a matter of fact, in 2013 Fr. Christoph Nobs held a Star Wars First Communion Mass in Southern Germany for a group of four parishes where he blessed the childrenwith a green light saber. [Were they dressed like Star Wars characters?] Reported by the Eponymous Flower blog at the time, a witty reader commented, “May the farce be with you!” But isn’t it a tragedy when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is turned into exactly that, a sacrilegious farce? No wonder Our Lady of Fatima asked for prayers of atonement. Please offer some for all the Masses that insult Our Lord instead of adoring Him. ***Australian Muslim Plans Terror by Kangaroo! Teenager Sevdet Besem was in a Melbourne courtroom January 28th charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts. Eighteen-year-old Besem along with four other teens, apparently inspired by ISIS recruiters, planned to attack and behead police on Anzac Day, the Australian/New Zealand equivalent of our Veterans Day. Knives and swords were found during raids on their homes. But Besem’s most unusual idea, discussed with his co-conspirators was to capture a kangaroo, fill its pocket with explosives, paint it with ISIS symbols, and release it on police. How they expected to convince the kangaroo to cooperate in the suicide mission was unclear. Despite sounding like a joke, the terrorist plot was deadly serious and Besem is being held without bail. ***Are Young Men Looking for Heroic Missions? Consider how many terrorist attacks involve young men and even young women. The Boston bombers were two young brothers, one a teenager. According to an article at the Huffington Post, “Two teenage young women of Bosnian Islamic background (15 and 17) traveled to Syria from Vienna, Austria planning to marry ISIS fighters ….the teenagers were attracted to ISIS by preaching at their local mosque where clerics supposedly told them that the only way to know true peace was to take part in the holy war.” This language particularly attracts young people from troubled families who are disaffected and looking for a purpose in life. What a calling: to fight a Holy War for Allah! Don’t little boys want to slay dragons and be superheroes? ISIS and other terror groups use that desire to recruit the young to battle the “Great Satan.” The youngsters can see themselves as members of “the ring” on a bold quest to fight Sauron and the Orcs. ***A Modest Proposal: Give Kids Real Heroes! Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of buying Superman pajamas for kids, one could buy St. Michael the Archangel, St. George, King Louis of France, or St. Martin of Tours -- or even some of the mythological heroes like Frodo or Prince Caspian? Some enterprising Catholic entrepreneur should design a set of children’s PJs that identify with Christian heroes. Wouldn’t a little boy love PJs that looked like Roman armor with a bright red cape and a comic book telling the story of St. Martin cutting his cape in half to share with the beggar. The set could even come with a plastic sword. Think of the power of dressing a little boy in imitation buckskin pajamas like the layman, Rene Goupil one of the North American martyrs also with a comic book about the saint and his courage. A girls’ line could include a nightgown in Elizabethan style for St. Margaret Clitherow or soldier’s mail like that worn by St. Joan of Arc or a queen’s gown like St. Margaret of Scotland. Kids need heroes. Let’s give them real ones!
***Heard about the Euthanasia Roller Coaster? ***Will Women Have to Register for the Draft? Feminists may itch to be on the front lines, but do women really belong there? At the recent Republican debate Rubio, Bush, and Christie all said women should sign up for the selective service, i.e., be drafted in case of war. Rubio said, "[T]here are already women serving today in roles that are like combat…whose lives are in very serious danger. So I have no problem whatsoever…so long as the minimum requirements necessary to do the job are not compromised. But I support that. And, obviously, now that that is the case I do believe that selective service should be opened up for both men and for women in case a draft is ever instituted.” All three candidates made it sound like this is a right women are being denied rather than a civic duty. Drafting women not only threatens men in combat (Can you see a 130 pound woman carrying a 190 pound man off the battlefield?), but threatens the family (What wife wants her husband living in close quarters with another woman?) Girly guys may want to hide behind a woman’s cammies, but REAL MEN don’t! Ted Cruz addressed the issue at a town hall meeting saying, “I have to admit, as I was sitting there listening to that conversation, my reaction was, ‘Are you guys nuts? Listen, we have had enough with political correctness, especially in the military. Political correctness is dangerous. And the idea that we would draft our daughters to forcibly bring them into the military and put them in close combat, I think is wrong, it is immoral, and if I am president, we ain’t doing it.” ####### |