Dear Editor: I gave countless talks to PTAs, women’s groups, etc. I did not read about sex ed – I wrote about it in friendly local newspapers. The pressure on the local public school district finally made them allow students to “opt out”…. That option still exists forty years later in the local school district. My five daughters by the grace of Divine Providence attended a small private Catholic girls school that would have nothing to do with the diocesan mandate to implement either the Benziger or Brown “Catholic” sex ed curricula! These programs defy common sense! There’s not enough information about the topic to justify a comprehensive K-12 curriculum. Children reach an “age of awareness” at about four years of age. From that time until puberty they are in a latency period…of childhood innocence. Their minds are like sponges taking in all sorts of information that they need to function in life: English, History, Math, etc…. Nature sends clear signals to parents at puberty. The boys voices change and they need to shave and girls develop breasts and begin to menstruate. Time for the talk. If all that fails, 10th grade biology comes into play. After the public schools programs surfaced, the Catholic schools came out with the Benziger and Brown Curricula. Cardinal Wuerl, when he was bishop in Pittsburgh, commissioned his own curriculum so he could sell it to his parochial schools. Randy Engel from Pittsburgh. wrote two excellent exposes of the bishops programs…: Sex Education, the Final Plague and The Rite of Sodomy, the first a well documented case against classroom based K-12 sex ed and the other (Rite) an expose of corrupt bishops and cardinals in this country. She has provided a much-needed service to our church and parents. How sad it is that fifty years after my first encounter with these awful explicit texts that this evil is still cropping up in our dioceses. May God have mercy on the souls of the bishops who inflicted these obscene materials and programs on the souls of innocent children. To his credit, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz would have nothing to do with sex ed in his diocese. People knew of this and I attended a dinner where he spoke. The applause for him lasted so long that he was brought to tears and finally we were told to stop clapping so he could speak. God Bless him and all who fight sex ed. D.I. Bethany Beach, DE |