***Pope Francis & his Strange Bedfellows: Saul Alinsky, and George Soros! Who would think we’d ever see a pope in bed with two evil atheists, but Pope Francis constantly shows us how to “make a mess” pope-style. His recent initiative, the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Modesto, CA, was an invitation-only fest of liberal Alinskyite community organizing groups and political rabble-rousers. Among participants was the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), the purple-shirt thugs who disrupted so many events during the campaign. SEIU locals in Tampa, Seattle, Detroit, St. Louis, and other major cities bused in hundreds of protesters to shut down town hall meetings using tactics from shout-outs to violence, especially throttling dialogue on Obamacare. Gamaliel, PICO, DART, and Interfaith Justice which represent hundreds of religion-based community organizing groups also attended. Their purpose is organizing faith-based congregations for progressive politics and many of them are funded by billionaire George Soros. CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development), notoriously scandalous for their support of groups opposed to Church teachings played a major role in the meeting and the pope thanked them for it. A particularly shameful moment was reported by Deal Hudson in Crisis Magazine: The 700 attendees applauded and cheered as Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego told them, “President Trump was the candidate of disruption. . . . Well now, we must all become disrupters.” Bishop McElroy, along with Chicago Archbishop Cardinal Blaise Cupich, has emerged as a leading voice among “social justice” Catholics determined to rally the Catholic Church to reject President Trump’s leadership and policy agenda. Nothing but leftist groups were listed as organizers and advisers for the meeting. They are change agents that follow principles that are anything but Catholic. Where were popular movements that follow principles of Catholic social justice? Nowhere to be found! ***Pope Francis Channels Alinsky and Hegel. In his letter to the World Meeting, Pope Francis sounds like a cross between Saul Alinsky and Friedrich Hegel. “We have to acknowledge the danger but also the opportunity that every crisis brings in order to advance to a successful synthesis. In the Chinese language, which expresses the ancestral wisdom of that great people, the word ‘crisis’ is comprised of two ideograms: Wēi, which represents ‘danger’, and Jī, which represents ‘opportunity’”. What did Alinsky say about crisis? “A threat or a crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication.” He adopted the idea from Macchiavelli’s The Prince. Friedrich Hegel also believed managed conflict could be used to reach a desired outcome. It is a strategy included in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and many community organizers use it to manipulate groups to adopt a desired agenda. To see these tactics encouraged by a pope is troubling indeed. The pope also expresses two opinions as facts about which people of good will can disagree. The first is that global warming is proven scientifically. Many scientists, however, not only dispute it, but show how the data is being manipulated. The second is that “Muslim terrorism does not exist.” Of course, one can easily agree that not all Muslims are terrorists. Islam, however, is a religion and political system of violence and domination, easily be illustrated by the tenets of the Koran, not to mention the many terrorist incidents all over the world.***Smoke Alert: Call the Papal Fire Department! The World Meeting of Popular Movements isn’t the only Vatican activity filling the Church with the stench of sulfur. More and more, the Vatican appears to be a bureaucratic arm of hell. (Remember, Alinsky dedicated his Rules for Radicals to the “first radical” Lucifer, so he’s a strange role model for Catholics.) But so are a bunch of “experts” speaking at the Biological Extinction meeting Feb. 27 – March 41 which will be over by the time you read this. According to an article on our blog by David Martin, “the conference is being conjointly sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and is designed to promote the fallacy that the procreation of human life is what poses the major threat to our planet. As they see it, the great enemy of ‘Mother Earth’ is human babies, since they grow up and pollute the planet with their ‘CO2 emissions.’” Paul Ehrlich, author of the doomsday 1968 best-seller, The Population Bomb, an advocate of unrestricted abortion for population control, is among the scandalous presenters. This conference is essentially Part 2 of the anti-people movement at the Vatican. As Martin points out, “The conference will closely echo the Vatican climate change conference of April 28, 2015, in which several representatives from the U.N. were given a platform to voice their ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ of making the earth a cleaner and safer place through worldwide population control (abortion). The one-day summit, entitled Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, featured key environmental advisers from different countries, including U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Professor Jeffrey Sachs who are notorious advocates of abortion that operate at the highest levels of the United Nations.” ***Add These Events to Other Screwball Actions in Rome and you get a picture of a Church in chaos. What other events? We’ll list a few: 1) The ongoing confusion over Amoris Laetitia (AL) where some bishops are instructing their priests to admit adulterers to Communion (e.g., Malta) while other bishops correctly uphold the indissolubility of marriage. 2) Pope Francis gutted the Pontifical Academy of Life firing all its members. Before he did that, however, he eliminated the Lejeune oath affirming fidelity to the teachings of the Church on life and a put a Kasperite archbishop, Vincenzo Paglia in charge. The website remains on-line but shows zero members. Why the purge? Possibly to punish critics of AL. They included Cardinal Carlo Caffarra who signed the Dubia; Cardinal Willem Eijk who contributed to the book, Eleven Cardinals Speak, that reportedly enraged the pope; Cardinal Elio Sgreccia who wrote the preface to a book by Cardinal Ennio Antonnelli defending Church teaching on marriage; Professor Robert Spaemann who’s warned that AL may cause open schism; and Professor Joseph Seifert, another academic critical of AL who is asking for clarification. Paglia and his team will now be free to select new members that conform to the Francis revolution. 3) The pope’s support for the U.N.’s 2030 agenda including its call for worldwide sex education and its “sustainable development goals.” The Pontifical Council for the Family’s obscene sex ed program, The Meeting Point, released during World Youth Day fits perfectly into the U.N. move for achieving its reproductive goals. See voiceofthefamily.com for an in-depth analysis of the U.N. agenda with Vatican endorsement. 4) The coup at the Knights of Malta orchestrated by the pope who forced the resignation of the Grand Master and reinstated the former head responsible for distributing condoms in the third world. He also named a spiritual director which essentially decapitates Cardinal Burke since that was his role as cardinal patron of the Order. The pope’s action creates more confusion about Church teaching on contraception. (He previously implied its moral use for the Zika virus.) Pray for Holy Mother Church. It’s doubtful Pope Francis is finished with her makeover yet. ***Church Militant Calls Out Fr. James Martin, Recently Mike Voris of Church Militant TV challenged Jesuit, dissenter and pro-homosexual priest Fr. James Martin to answer a question. “Do you identify as a homosexual?” The question is hardly worth asking. Fr. Martin’s record speaks for itself. He gushed over Cardinal Vincent Nichols celebrating a Soho Mass for active gays in the UK in 2015. In other words, he applauded those flaunting a mortally sinful lifestyle and their sacrilegious treatment of the Holy Eucharist. His gay cheerleading is central to his ministry. Last November he accepted an award from New Ways Ministry, a group endorsing gay “marriage” which is condemned by the Congregation for the Defense of the Faith and the U.S. bishops. His record of dissent it long including promotion of feminist nuns who reject Church teaching on a wide array of issues including homosexuality. Martin also participated in a video series (Who Am I to Judge?) produced by the Jesuits that promotes the idea that one can be an active homosexual and a faithful Catholic. Recall when Bishop Bruskewitz made a motion at the infamous Dallas bishops’ meeting to authorize a study to see if there’s a link between dissent and homosexuality? Well, Fr. Martin is the poster boy illustrating that there is. He is both a promoter of both homosexuality and dissent – bigtime. Now it’s time for him to answer the question, “Do you identify as a homosexual?”.***Catholic Medical Mission Board & Condoms The Lepanto Institute in another well documented expose reveals that the Catholic Medical Mission Board promotes and distributes condoms as part of its “charitable” work. It seems most of the major Catholic Charities are up to their necks in working with the culture of death. Hold onto your wallet and be sure to study and evaluate before you give to an alleged “Catholic” charity. ***Fr. Arturo Abascal, SJ: Jesus was a Relativist! How fortunate we are to have Jesuits to explain to us what Jesus really meant when He only seemed to uphold the indissolubility of marriage. In a recent interview with Giuseppi Rusconi for the blog Rossoporpora, Abascal made some rather shocking claims:
Nothing is set in concrete stone. Hmm…Didn’t God give Moses two “stone” tablets with the Ten Commandments? Are they next up for the wrecking ball? Abascal tells us that “no one had a recorder to take down his words…. [and] there has been a great blossoming of studies that seek to understand exactly what Jesus meant to say.” Abascal claims he’s not bringing Christ’s words into doubt. Not at all. “One does not bring into doubt, one brings into discernment. . . Discernment leads to a decision: one must not only evaluate, but decide.” Ah, but who is to decide? The Church has always reiterated the priority of personal conscience.” So there you have it boys and girls we are back to elevating “personal conscience” to an idol – not an informed conscience molded according to those nasty “doctrines” of the Church, but one formed by the world’s message, of if it feels right, it must be right. Abascar, like a typical Jesuit, pays lip service to doctrine before he turns it over to the idol of discernment. Some things never change – like modern Jesuits who dispense with the authority of Christ and his clear doctrine for their own personal opinions formed by “compassion” and “mercy.” God help those who let their ears be tickled by men like Fr. Abascal |