To Bishop Thomas Paprocki who issued guidelines in the Diocese of Springfield, IL denying Catholic funerals and Communion to public sinners in same-sex “marriages.” He also refuses Communion to divorced and invalidly remarried couples. In 2013 after the Illinois legislature approved same-sex “marriage” and the governor signed it into law, the bishop staged a public exorcism of the state. Can any true Catholic doubt the prudence of such an action after opening the state and her citizens to such diabolical influence?
To Fr. James Martin & Sr. Jeannine Gramick Martin’s scandals are legion - the latest? Asked whom he would canonize if he could, Martin responded with Sr. Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry (NWM), champion of homosexual depravity. Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent, were ordered by the Vatican to cut their ties to the group in 1984 and instructed that they could not “engage in any apostolate or participate in any program or write on any subject concerning homo-sexuality unless [it] makes clear that homosexual acts are intrinsically and objectively wrong.” Grammick disobeyed and to this day dissents from many doctrines. She endorses same-sex “marriage,” denies papal infallibility, supports abortion and contraception, etc. ad nauseum. Fr. Martin, who recently accepted the “bridge-building” award from NWM sports the same plumage as Sr. Gramick. Birds of a feather flock together and these two are turkey vultures feeding on souls. May all the martyrs who died defending the faith intercede for these two. |