1. Boycott Scholastic Books. If your children go to a parochial school urge your pastor and principal to find an alternative, e.g., CatholicBookFairs.org. If your children are in public schools pitch Scholastic and take your child to a real book store or go online to a Catholic website like www.catholicdoor.com to pick out a book. 2. Sign up for One Million Moms alert list at https://onemillionmoms.com/sign-up-for-alerts/ 3. Write to your local bishop and beg him to join the statement of the Kazakhstan bishops. Think of the impact if hundreds of bishops echoed the truth about Amoris Laetitia and asked for correction! We all need to fight for the truth, both clergy & laity! Live the faith; demand the truth. Visit the blog for up-to-date commentary. |