Les Femmes

Dear Editor:
I love your blog Les Femmes! I read it all the time. You are a good writer. My views are the same as yours. I’m from Wausau Wisconsin attend St Mary’s in Wausau served by the Institute of Christ the King. I’m almost 65. Mother to four. Grandma to one.

I am so sorry for the loss of your grandson! How sad for you all! God sees your family’s heartache and hears your prayers. God is merciful! Have hope for your grandson! Did anyone notice that Regan met with Gorbachev on Dec 8 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) and Trump will be meeting Putin July 16 (feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel)? Our Lady is seeing to the conversion of Russia! Praise God!
S. D. Wausau, WI

Editor: Thank you for your kind words! Readers, to get the latest Les Femmes perspective on the Church and the world, visit the blog at https://lesfemmes-thetruth.blogspot.com/. Back issues of the Les Femmes Newsletter are available at http://lesfemmes-thetruth.org/

Dear Editor:
Thank you so very much for all you are doing. May God bless you and your work during this troubling time in our dear Church. God has a plan.
M.J. W. Columbia, MD

Dear Editor:
I believe that most leftist bishops and priests betray Christ precisely because they do not want to walk the Way of the Cross like He did and like their brothers and sisters so persecuted and tortured and caused to go mad for His sake did. They held fast and were killed. Today the hierarchy – especially the current pope and German bishops – think they must make the faith more palatable to societies so as not to have those societies turn on them and do to them what they did in Romania. Better to die for truth than lies because, no matter what, liberal or not, the devil will turn on them also.
S.M. Tavares, FL

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