To Bishop Thomas Paprocki and all other bishops with the courage to apply the medicinal prescription of Canons 915 and 916, banning those guilty of grave public scandal from Communion. Catholic pro-abortion politicians endanger the faithful by leading them to believe they can eat at the poisonous satanic buffet of cafeteria Catholicism and then approach the table of the Lord without sin. May all the bishop saints especially those devoted to the Eucharist and the rosary like St. John Eudes and St. Anthony Mary Claret pray for Bishop Paprocki.
To the Vatican Congregation for Consecrated Life and Sr. Geneviève Médevielle who imitated Robespierre and his Reign of Terror by destroying the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer. Most of the nuns, like their spiritual sisters in the 18th century have removed their religious garb and returned to the world. They are not the first traditional order decimated under Pope Francis. May the Carmelite, sisters guillotined for the faith, intercede for the conversion of the nuns’ persecutors. |