To Rev. Robert Morey pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Florence, SC who refused Communion to publicly pro-abortion politician Joe Biden during a campaign stop in the state. He showed the courage and zeal for our Eucharistic Lord that we need in our clergy. St. Tarcisius, martyr of the Eucharist, pray for him. To Bishop Robert Guglielmone who continues to follow the policy established in Charleston by Bishop Robert Baker in 2004. (See blog for policy text.) We ask St. Paul, who also warned of the danger of taking the Eucharist unworthily, to intercede for the bishop who is getting plenty of flack from the media. To Rev. Scott Nolan pastor of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church in Grand Rapids, MI for refusing Communion to lesbian Judge Sara Smolenski who “married” her partner. She is on a vendetta to get Fr. Nolan removed for following Canon 915 which forbids Communion to those committing grave manifest scandal. His act spoke truth to power. May the Roman martyrs who refused to offer a pinch of incense to the gods intercede for Fr. Nolan. To Bishop David Walkowiak of Grand Rapids who in a public statement supported Fr. Nolan writing, “No community of faith can sustain the public contradiction of its beliefs by its own members. This is especially so on matters as central to Catholic life as marriage, which the Church has always held, and continues to hold, as a sacred covenant between one man and one woman.” St. Joseph, patron of marriage, protect him.
To Bishop Francis Malooly, Joe Biden’s bishop, who enabled him by hopping on the McCarrick/Wuerl/Cupich/ Dolan bandwagon to defend his own cowardice saying he will not “politicize” the Eucharist. St. John the Baptist, who never feared to confront the evil of the powerful, pray for him. |