Give thanks! There are a number of bishops and clergy who deserve our thanks for calling out pro-abortion politicians under Canon 915 due to their grievous public scandals and for teaching and governing well. Consider sending one letter a week to a bishop or priest who takes seriously his shepherding responsibility to “teach, govern, and sanctify.” Imagine the impact of good bishops receiving hundreds of personal notes thanking them for their fidelity! Suggestions? Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas, Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, IL, Bishop Michael Barber, S.J. of Oakland, CA, Bishop Thomas Olmstead of Phoenix, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Cardinal Raymond Burke.... All of these men stand up courageously for the faith. And there are many others. Let us not be like the nine ungrateful lepers who never returned to thank Jesus for their cure. Gratitude is the parent of many other virtues! See the blog for more data about our shepherds, |