To Bishops Radoslaw Zmitrowicz and Jan Niemiec & the Ukrainian Episcopate’s Commission on the Family who on February 6th sent a letter of fraternal correction to the German Commission on Marriage and the Family over the synodal path undermining the faith. In an interview, Bishop Zmitrowicz observed that “The German Commission proposes the opposite direction [departing from the truth of Christ], which destroys people’s lives. It closes them to the love brought to us by Jesus Christ. Without this love, man cannot be happy.” He hopes other episcopal conferences around the world will be inspired to join in fraternal correction and calls for prayer and sacrifice for the Church in Germany that is doing so much damage to the faith. May St. Michael the Archangel and the heavenly host fight for the good shepherds defending the faith!
To the German bishops advancing the synodal path to hell! Most delegates taking part in the two-year event are heterodox. Among the wolves are Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, Vice President of the conference, who said Jesus became “human” and “not a man,” and Jesuit Hans Langendörfer, secretary of the conference and a chief architect of the meeting, a man well known for dissenting from key doctrines. Sources close to the German Church say 90-95% of the participants dissent from the faith which brings to mind the 1976 A Call to Action conference in Detroit sponsored by the USCCB. Like Germany’s synodal path, the CTA event was stacked with liberal delegates who used the meeting to undermine the faith. Some things never change. May St. Michael and his legion of angels defend the lay faithful from this latest assault on the faith and intercede for the conversion of the |