***Bishop Mark Seitz Kneels for Black Lives Matter! ***“We have no King but Caesar!” Bow to government! ***Ironically, while bishops were cancelling the Masses, one group continued to serve the flock wherever possible. The SSPX offered open-air Masses and Confessions in parking lots and fairgrounds. Following common sense health precautions, Mass goers remained in cars except for Communion with strict social distancing and hand sanitizing practiced by the priest celebrant. Confessions took place with social distancing. A number of courageous diocesan priests exercised creative ways to hear confession. One priest’s video went viral as parishioners installed a confession window in the rectory. Sadly, some priests were disciplined and forbidden to continue. Meanwhile state governments banned gatherings for Mass while they ruled that liquor stores and abortion facilities were “essential.” Once the Black Lives Matters protests began, the same governors who had ministers, rabbis, and worshipers arrested for disobeying the rules, said that BLM protests were essential. They even enabled and encouraged the riots. Among the governors with strict limits on public gatherings who cheered on and even joined the huge protests were Andrew Cuomo (NY), Chris Sununu (ME), Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and Tom Wolfe (PA). Mayors Ted Wheeler of Portland, DeBlasio of NYC, and Jenny Durkin of Seattle (until the protests targeted her home) also championed the Marxists. Writing at InsideSources.com, Michael Graham called the double standard a “tidal wave of political two-stepping” with government “decrying a family trip to the beach as potentially fatal, then urging families to flood into the streets for political protests.” He went on to say they were “feeding public cynicism about the true danger of the coronavirus. It’s also raising questions about whether the severe stay-at-home strategy, which put millions out of work and cost the nation an estimated $500 billion in GDP per month, was necessary.” Got that right! ***How Did Our Bishops Respond to this Hypocrisy?
Ah yes, let Caesar call the shots and make the rules. The modern “prudential judgment” of the Catholic bishops appears to be, “We have no king but Caesar.” ***Holy Hand Sanitizer, Batman! Virus Insanity Rules! ***The Twilight Zone on Steroids! Tell us it Ain’t so! But the worst abuse comes from a pastor in Hattiesburg, MS. Fr. Tommy Conway who gives Mass bags to parishioners with “everything they need” including a “sacred vessel” (whatever that is). Arriving for Mass, parishioners receive sufficient hosts for themselves and their families in ziploc bags. They deposit the hosts in their “vessel” and hold it up at the consecration. Then they self-communicate or an adult gives communion to the rest of the family and puts the “vessel” back in the bag for the next Sunday. No purification! According to the parish map, some families attending may not even be able to see the altar or the priest. Suppose the Mass is being livestreamed to another building? Can those attendees or people at home do this and receive Jesus? Why not, if this is valid which is questionable. The scenario is definitely bizarre, irreverent, and scandalous! No wonder so few Catholics believe in the Real Presence! Many clergy responses to the Wuhan virus infect us with a viral overload of irreverence and insanity! Our world may be suffering from a physical virus, but our Church is suffering from a spiritual virus that is killing the faith. God preserve us from nuts in Roman collars and laity who applaud their ridiculous antics. ***Bishop Athanasius Schneider is calling for a crusade of reparation desecration of the Holy Eucharist. He tells us, “There has never been in the history of the Church a time, where the sacrament of the Eucharist has been abused and outraged to such an alarming and grievous extent as in the past five decades, especially since the official introduction and Papal approval in 1969 of the practice of Communion in the hand.” See his prayer of reparation at the link below and, if you receive in the hand, consider Communion on the tongue, the method preferred by Holy Mother Church. ***While Liberal Priests and Bishops Kneel to BLM, desecration of Catholic churches and statues goes on apace. In Tennessee, Brooklyn, and Boston, statues of Mary were decapitated and/or covered with graffiti. Meanwhile, in St. Louis, Catholics gather nightly around the statue of Louis IX to pray the rosary. A proposed BLM protest didn’t materialize on Sunday, July 12th when hundreds of clergy and laity joined in prayer to defend the heritage of the city represented in the person of St. Louis. God bless those dear defenders of the faith led by clergy who spent hours in the broiling sun praying the rosary continuously. Unlike Bishop Robert Barron, who recently said asking the bishops what they’re doing about the crisis is the wrong question, (Their job is to pontificate and produce nice videos.), some good shepherds led the spiritual battle. God bless them all! ***Bishops, The Love of money is the Root of All Evils! The Church has been raking in money from the federal trough for years which explains their silence on so many evils. The Wuhan virus offers new opportunities to pick the taxpayers’ pockets. According to the Associated Press, the Church lobbied for and received at least $1.4 BILLION in pandemic relief. As this data came out, the Lepanto Institute exposed grants from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to organizations working to defund police, those spouting violent rhetoric about killing cops, endorsing riots, etc. Is it any wonder Catholics no longer trust the bishops? ***Make All Saturdays First Saturday of Reparation! Crisis times call for crisis solutions. Are you following Mary’s peace plan announced at Fatima? Do you pray the rosary every day and offer the Five First Saturdays of Reparation? Perhaps it’s time for all of us to renew our commitment to the rosary and devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. One way would be to add to the number of days we follow the first Saturday regimen – pray the rosary, spend 15 minutes meditating on a mystery, receive Communion, and go to Confession within a week. How about every Saturday for starters! Add a little fasting and who knows what miracles will take place through Mary’s intercession! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! |