To Fr. James Altman of La Crosse whose sermons inspire and encourage the flock with clear and bold presentations of Catholic truth. To Fr. Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life who identified the danger to Biden’s soul and those who support him saying, “failure to protect the unborn puts him not only in conflict with the Catholic faith but with the Christian Gospel, the Founding principles of America, the very meaning of public service, and basic human decency. You can’t kill babies, and you can’t authorize anyone else to do so.....Biden is not living as a Catholic....It’s time to stop pretending we can be neutral. The Democrat Party has set itself up against the Church, against the unborn, and against America.” To Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, the red rose rescue priest, who had this to say: “Denounce Biden’s scandalizing of our Catholic faith and demand the bishops end their current scandal of silence....I am also begging Catholics to not risk the grave sin of scandal by supporting this man with their vote. Thus we would be heaping more scandal upon more scandal upon scandal.” To Fr. Michael Orsi who lamented the shepherds’ silence saying that perhaps “many bishops no longer see abortion as the ‘preeminent’ social justice issue.... They prefer ‘a seamless garment’ approach which places e.g. ‘climate change,’ racism, and capital punishment to be equally important.” He also pointed out that, “about 40 percent of Catholic Charities’ funding comes from federal and state coffers. The fear of losing this would not only put a further dent into diocesan social outreach but limit the influence of liberal Democrats that inhabit many Church offices.” Sad, but true.
To Bishop Timothy Doherty who bent the knee to BLM by suspending Fr. Rothrock who told the truth about an evil group working for destruction of the nuclear family and other intrinsic evils. Doherty justified Rothrock’s suspension by referring to Canon Law 1333. But canon law requires that a penalty can only be applied for a canonical crime. What exactly was the “crime” calling for suspension? And what investigation took place? Pastors have canonical rights and Fr. Rothrock needs to pursue them before he ends up like other victim priests destroyed by their bishops’ cowardice. Let us pray that Fr. Rothrock pursues his rights to the full extent of canon law. We invoke the intercession of St. Athanasius. Sign the petition of support at: https://lifepetitions.com/petition/support-priest-who-was-suspended-for-calling-out-the-black-lives-matter-organization. Intercede for us now, O glorious virgin, in our present need. As we bow before the Most Blessed Sacrament, ask Jesus on our behalf for healing of mind, body and soul, and the forgiveness of our sins....For He has only to say the word that we may be healed and defended from everything that would threaten our Catholic faith. Amen |