***Cynical Joe Biden Parades his Faux Catholic Faith! In an attempt to deceive Catholics, Biden is running ads wearing his faith on his sleeve and claiming it influences his life. Don’t believe it! Real Catholics don’t champion murdering babies in the womb, persecute nuns who serve the poor, witness faux marriages of same sex couples, or lie and plagiarize. They don’t fondle little girls and sniff and grope adult women or steal another man’s wife. They don’t slander their political opponents in an attempt to destroy them. Remember who Joe’s mentor was, Ted Kennedy, another faux Catholic and womanizer who let a young woman drown and then lied to save his political career. Kennedy and Biden, two peas in a pod, slandered Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. They sank Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court through calumy and lies and tried to do the same to Thomas. If Biden/Harris are elected we’ll have Marxism on steroids! Pass this info on! ***Meanwhile, What do our Bishops do? Anyone...? Hear the crickets? Most bishops are too busy worrying about climate change, supporting illegal immigration, and bending the knee to their governors’ virus mandates to worry about the little ones in the womb. Thank God for a few exceptions. Joseph Strickland of Tyler, TX is an outspoken defender of the faith who publicly supported Fr. James Altman of La Crosse when he warned Catholics that they can’t be Democrats. (Read their platform!) Are there a few pro-life Democrats who stay in the party to try to change it from the inside? Maybe...but at this point, it seems a hopeless strategy. Democrats stand for evils so egregious they resemble the Nazi and Communist parties. ***Roll Call of Bishops Taking a Stand is Sparse! Besides Bishop Strickland, only a few bishops have addressed Biden’s religious hypocrisy. He shamelessly touts his bogus faith in ads targeting Catholics, but few bishops challenge him. A handful have. Cardinal Burke stated in August that Biden is not a Catholic in good standing and should not approach for Communion. Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence tweeted sarcastically, “Biden-Harris. First time in awhile that the Democratic ticket hasn’t had a Catholic on it. Sad” On October 7th, Feast of the Holy Rosary, Tobin tweeted again, “Joe Biden promises that if he’s elected president, he will end division and bring the country together. It won’t happen. With his politically expedient embrace of a very extreme position on abortion, he’s already alienated half of the nation.” Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville, TN also tweeted, “Don’t understand how Mr. Biden can claim to be a good and faithful Catholic as he denies so much of Church teaching especially on the absolute child abuse and human rights violations of the most innocent, the not yet born.” These shepherds are among the minority defending the little ones in the womb. ***Tweets are good, but can we have some teaching? Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, IL addressed the issue more fully in a column in his diocesan paper. He reminded the flock that the U.S. bishops’ declared abortion the “preeminent” moral issue at their meeting last year. “[Abortion] directly attacks life itself, because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed....Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Dick Durbin, the Democratic Party candidates for president, vice-president, and U.S. Senate (Illinois), respectively, all support the Democratic Party Platform promoting abortion and calling for the use of federal taxpayer funding of abortion and the appointment of pro-abortion judges. Biden also pledged to restore the Obama-Biden policy that mandates churches, businesses, colleges, and religious orders like the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide coverage for abortion pills in their employees’ health insurance plans.” Thank you, Bishop Paprocki! ***From Bishop James Johnston of KS City-St. Joseph In Preparing to Vote, Bishop Johnston clearly identifies the seriousness of this election and the obligation of Catholic voters. He writes: “I encourage you to study prayerfully the political platforms of the parties. Each party clearly states their position on critical life issues such as abortion, destructive research on human embryos, euthanasia and assisted suicide, the appointment of judges and Supreme Court Justices and conscience rights. Each party clearly states whether they will support or defund Planned Parenthood as well as their position regarding laws such as the Hyde Amendment that bars the use of federal funds to support abortion. Each party states the criteria they will use to nominate judges and justices. Each party states where it stands on subjects that impact the family such as how sex education, orientation and gender identity will be taught in our public schools. Each party has staked out its position on upholding or weakening religious liberty and the freedom of believers and churches to live according to religious beliefs and carry out ministries and services without coercion and the threat of penalty....[P]latforms do offer a good insight into the agendas of the candidates and how they intend to use power if elected. Again, there can be legitimate debate between parties and candidates as to the best policy to address an issue; however, this is not the same as disagreement on fundamental principles. The question prayerfully to ask ourselves then, is whether it is permissible to vote for a candidate whose positions oppose the truth of fundamental principles because one likes the candidate’s policy stance on other issues.” Clear and Concise! He stirred the hive of liberal Catholics who began immediately attacking him for speaking the truth. Are we surprised? Pray for bishops who act like shepherds! Other bishops stressing life as the preeminent moral issue in the election are Samuel Aquila of Denver, Alfred Schlert, of Allentown, David Zubik of Pittsburgh, and Mitchell Rozanski of St. Louis. With over 400 active and retired bishops, where are all the rest? ***The Other Tobin of Newark Scandalizes the Flock! ***USCCB Past& Present Staff Endorse Biden/Harris! ***From the “IT’S ABOUT TIME” Department!!! ***Minnesota bishops also challenged their governor Without going to court. The six Minnesota Catholic bishops teamed up with the Missouri-Synod Lutheran church to buck Democrat Governor Tim Walz’s order limiting religious services to ten people. (What’s with Democrats’ fixation on the number ten?) Like Cuomo’s over-reach, the draconian order was more lenient for so called essential services like bars and restaurants. The popular tourist attraction, the Mall of America was allowed 50% capacity. Becket Fund intervention brought the governor to the negotiating table. The documents are available on their website, becketlaw.org. Consider a donation! Please pray the rosary for families mourning the loss of a baby: October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, dedicated to remembering babies lost before birth and in infancy. Our abortion culture treats the preborn as nonpersons, but miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, or illness all take the lives of real children. A mom can’t carry a baby under her heart without loving and nurturing her little one, even if she never gets the chance to wrap her arms around her baby. That this commemoration take place in the month of the rosary is providential. Mary, pray for us. |