To John Henry Weston and LifeSiteNews, for their excellent coverage of all things Catholic. Their recent analysis by Patrick Delaney exposing the government corruption behind the so-called January 6th “insurrection” blows the lid off the axis of evil involving Democrats, Big Tech, and Big Media. That the left is using this false flag operation to defame and destroy their political enemies (which include millions of faithful Catholics and political conservatives) becomes daily more obvious. May St. John the Baptist, lover of truth, and courageous warrior against evil, intercede for LSN!
To Fr. José González Santoscoy who had the audacity to use a “monstrance” made in the image of Pachamama to expose the Blessed Sacrament at St. John Macías parish (Zapopan, Mexico). Fr. Juan Pedro Oriol, was on vacation and the visiting priest replaced the usual monstrance with the idol showing Jesus in the womb of the pagan goddess. The pastor was horrified and, on his return, said, “This was done without my knowledge and without my permission”....It is “really disgusting for me, enormously so.” May the Blessed Mother insulted by Fr. José intercede for his conversion and repentance! Intercede for us now, O glorious virgin, in our present need. As we bow before the Most Blessed Sacrament, ask Jesus on our behalf for healing of mind, body and soul, and the forgiveness of our sins....For He has only to say the word that we may be healed and defended from everything that would threaten our Catholic faith. Amen |