To Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, president of the Polish bishops’ conference, who, with his brother bishops, has urged the Catholics of Poland to welcome refugees from war in Ukraine who are fleeing into the country. He is opening churches for shelter and training the priests and lay volunteers to help treat the sick and wounded. He has also spoken out strongly against the synodal path in Germany sending a letter to his counterpart there warning of the danger of “repetition of worn-out slogans, and standard demands such as the abolition of celibacy, the priesthood of women, communion for the divorced, and the blessing of same-sex unions.” Let us invoke all the saints who fought against heresy to strengthen this truth-speaking bishop, that his clear voice might be heard everywhere!
To Fr. José González Santoscoy who used a Pachamama idol monstrance for adoration. As a visiting priest filling in for the pastor, he not only was guilty of appalling sacrilege, but incredible arrogance, rudeness, and insensitivity toward the parish. To Fr. Michael Pfleger for the disgraceful Christmas Eve Mass turning the celebration of Christ’s birth into a three-ring circus complete with dancing girls, garish lights and raucous music. Elements of the Mass were left out, ignoring the rubrics. Was it a valid Mass? Hopefully not! The “entertainment” went on for an hour before Pfleger arrived to prance around the altar. The video is no longer readily available which is probably a good thing. To Fr. Terrence Keehan, the guitar blessing priest, who changed the words of the Mass and made a mockery of the rubrics. Read the black; do the red! Quit improvising! To Cardinal Blase Cupich who suppresses the Traditional Latin Mass in his Archdiocese while he allows these sacrilegious events. He also forbids priests to say Mass ad orientem facing liturgical east and leading the flock toward the rising sun in anticipation of Christ’s return. May all the martyrs of the Mass in England during the Protestant revolution and in France during the French revolution, pray for clergy who desecrate the holy Mass. In their pride and arrogance, they play fast and loose with the liturgy making it their personal plaything. In the process, they teach their flocks to be rebels and demons. To the German Bishops whose synodal path leads their flocks into error. St. Michael the Archangel, brandish the sword of truth and protect their people from schism. Intercede for us now, O glorious virgin, in our present need. As we bow before the Most Blessed Sacrament, ask Jesus on our behalf for healing of mind, body and soul, and the forgiveness of our sins....For He has only to say the word that we may be healed and defended from everything that would threaten our Catholic faith. Amen |