Dear Readers,
October is Respect Life month, a redundancy perhaps since
as Catholics we are called to live the Gospel of Life every day. But in
the culture of death having a month especially focused on life issues
reminds us of the serious obligation to defend our weaker brothers and
sisters, those most at risk: the pre-born, the elderly, the mentally and
physically disabled (or "other-abled" in politically-correct jargon),
and those near death.
The first Sunday in October (October 1st) is also LIFE
CHAIN, a national public witness for life. For those unfamiliar with the
event, churches all over the counts invite their congregations to gather
for 1-2 hours along major thoroughfares in silent, prayerful witness holding
signs that read Abortion Kills Children, Jesus Heals and Saves, Adoption
the Loving Option, etc. Who knows how many abortion-minded women are
asking God for "a sign" and change their minds after seeing not one, but
500. In the Diocese of Arlington chains will form in Alexandria on Franconia
Rd. near Springfield Mall (2:30-3:30 p.m.), Falls Church along Broad St.
(2:00-3:30 p.m.). Manassas, and Winchester. For more information and details
about other possible sites (Woodbridge and Fredericksburg have held chains
in the past) call the Office for Family Life at (703) 841-2500. And please
be a link in the chain. On judgment day Jesus may very well ask, "Couldn't
you watch one hour with me" for the sake of my littlest lambs?
One other significant thing about October: It's National
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an ironic coincidence as abortion is a
leading cause of the dreadful disease, although the media won't admit
it and both the CDC [Center for Disease Control] and NIH [National Institute
of Health] work vigorously to cover up the link. For more information
and sites detailing the breast cancer connection see
Then pass it on. If a woman won't do the right thing for her baby's sake,
maybe she'll do it for her own. Abortion kills women too-only slower.
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