to be Missionaries
Using the occasion of the Jubilee for Missions
Pope John Paul II called on "all the people of God" to embrace the 3rd
millennium as a "courageous new beginning for a new missionary season."
His message came at an appropriate time. On October 22nd Bishop Macram
Gassis of the Sudan shared with the diocese through a talk to the Brent
Society the tragic story of his suffering flock. "Don't pity us," the
bishop said as he described the extreme poverty of his people, who live
without electricity, running water, or even the basic necessities of life.
"We don't ask you to take our cross. Be like Symon of Cyrene and tilt
the cross for us, just a little bit."
The worst cross the people must carry is persecution and
martyrdom. The Muslim fundamentalist regime in Khartoum has persecuted
the Church since coming to power: confiscating schools, passing draconian
laws to suppress Christianity, and bombing Churches, schools, and other
nonmilitary targets. Bishop Gassis said the people are praying their Churches
will not be bombed on Christmas Day as they were last year. Ironically,
the day after the bishop spoke news reports told of warplanes dropping
23 bombs on the village of Nimule in Southern Sudan, destroying a preschool
and some homes. Fortunately no one was killed. "It was a direct hit on
the nursery but the children weren't there because it was Sunday," Dan
Eiffe of Norwegian People's Aid said. "The people had heard the
planes coming and had dived into their shelters."
According to Sudan Relief and Rescue, Inc., the
charity formed to assist Bishop Gassis, "more Sudanese have been murdered
than all the victims in Bosnia, Kosova, and Rwanda combined." The Sudan
government supports slavery and encourages starvation by refusing relief
flights to some areas. The only sign of hope for many is the Church. May
our readers exercise the Pope's call to be missionaries by supporting
Sudan Relief and drawing the attention of others to this serious
situation. Visit the bishop's webpage at
for more information. Donations may be sent to Sudan Relief and Rescue,
P.O. Box 1877, Washington, DC 20013-1877.
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