Les FemmesAWARDS



Lamplighter Award given to those fostering the light of truth in a dark world:

To Rev. Thomas VanderWoude, whose courageous witness amidst persecution is an example to all the shepherds of the world. Bishop Gassis shares the poverty and pain of his people who have been marked for genocide by a radical Islamic regime using terror and starvation against the Christian population and the Muslims who live among them in the Nuba mountains. Churches are looted and desecrated; catechists are arrested, tortured, and killed. Helicopter gunships attack civilian targets. Bishop Gassis, banned from returning to the Sudan in 1990 because of his commitment to defending human rights, lives in exile begging for his people. We pray for this true shepherd of Christ and ask the intercession of our own North American martyrs who gave their lives for the faith.

To Fr. Robert Ruskamp, Fr. VanderWoude’s pastor who supported him in upholding the truth. Thank you Father. May Our Lady of Guadeloupe, mother of unborn babies and her beloved priests hold you close to her heart.

To Moldova Metropolitan Vladimir who threatened parliamentarians with excommunication if they voted to enact a pro-abortion law. [See The Twilight Zone.] May St. Anthony, hammer of the heretics, intercede for Metropolitan Vladimir. May his example spread to the Catholic Church in the United States.

Millstone Award given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's people:

To Senator Ted Kennedy, who led the opposition to Senator John Ashcroft’s nomination as Attorney General saying, "The vast majority of Americans believe in access to contraception and a woman's right to choose, and our laws and Constitution demand it. Senator Ashcroft does not." Kennedy, a prominent "Catholic" who publicly dissents from Church teaching, calls unceasingly for the murder of unborn children. He and his pro-abortion "Catholic" accomplices should be warned and disciplined by their pastors for their own good. "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Their scandal is public, so it must be publicly admonished lest others be led into their sin. May God have mercy on them and may St. Michael the Archangel deliver them from the hands of the enemy.

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