Authority" Says Nun
by Mary Ann Kreitzer
The National Catholic Education Association [NCEA] closed its convention
April 20th with a keynote speech by one of the most controversial
feminist nuns in the country, Sr. Joan Chittister, O.S.B. A long-time
dissenter from core Church teachings and a staunch advocate of women’s
ordination, Chittister presented an impassioned address (reminiscent of
Star Trek) titled, "Leading the Way: To Go Where There is No Road
and Leave a Path."
Like a teenager in a T-shirt reading "Question Authority,"
Chittister urged her audience to throw out "old maps" and teach
their students to question everything, following in the footsteps of a
Jesus who, she said, "assessed his own reality and...envisioned...the
responsibility to question, question, question authority after authority."
Underlying assumptions of her talk appeared to be: 1)
the authoritarian Church doesn’t care about moral issues, 2) the United
States exploits third world countries and doesn’t care about the poor
within its own boundaries, and 3) more government intrusion (and money),
globalism, and feminism are the solutions to pollution, poverty, homelessness,
immigration, AIDS, violence, etc., etc. "Lead [your students] to
scrutinize our own centers of power," she urged, "in a world
where few of the privileged, the comfortable, or the powerful cry out
for those 30 million Americans without enough to eat, for those 3 million
without shelter, for those whose schools are rotting, and for those millions
everywhere whose breathing is threatened by smog and pollution while we
roll back clean air legislation and renege on global environmental treaties
and cut child-care funds."
Without directly challenging the Church’s teaching on
contraception, Chittister’s remarks on population implied that there are
too many people for sustainable development, a popular position in the
circles she travels, but one that fails to withstand examination. "While
forests were coming down in behalf of western economic interests and farmlands
were drying up under a punctured ozone layer, global population increased
from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6 billion in 1999," Chittister lamented.
"Now those people are swarming across the borders of the world, following
the garbage cans of the world looking for water, food, and work."
Chittister never used the phrase "women’s ordination,"
but she hammered the message home nevertheless. "All the women of
the world wait today...to hear a word of theology that ennobles them...Teach
them to ask what kind of God it is that would give women a mind, a soul,
a baptism, and a call and then forbid them to answer it when a sacramental
church is in danger of losing the sacraments."
In an insulting swipe at those who believe and accept
Church doctrine without question, she said, "Pity the Church that
does not think and its teachers who are not thinkers themselves. Pity
the children who are taught to recite the past." Take that, you stupid
teachers who instruct your students in the catechism! She included the
obligatory liberal slur against the Crusades and warned, "without
you it is only one short thought back to the dangers of the cold war and
intellectual boundaries of Vatican I." [Vatican I, of course, is
most famous for its solemn definition of papal infallibility and for promulgating
Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus condemning many trends of the times, a theme repeated
by Pope Pius X fifty years later. Is it any wonder that a modernist dissenter
wants to move beyond the "boundaries" of Vatican I?]
Perhaps because of the controversy over her presence
at the convention (Five dioceses either boycotted the entire event or
warned teachers not to attend Chittister’s talk.), she made a brief allusion
to abortion, but only in the politically correct context of promoting
the welfare state.
In summary, Chittister’s address was a propaganda piece
for advancing liberalism through forming the teachers who form the children.
"What you are, you see, your students will be," she said. "What
you have the courage to question they will learn to question too."
And it was clear that the "questioning" to which Chittister
referred was challenging the authority of the Church and her doctrines.
Unfortunately, there seemed to be little questioning
from the audience who, according to press reports, greeted Chittister
with a standing ovation and gave her another at the end of her talk. Dr.
Claire Helm, vice president for operations for the NCEA, told the National
Catholic Reporter, "We’ve received a steady stream of letters
and e-mails from people...expressing a hope that she would remain on the
program." Helm found objections to Chittister "troubling"
and avowed that the NCEA "would never invite someone to speak who
we felt was not faithful to church teaching." Helm described the
nun as "well-thought of in the area of spirituality."
But what does spirituality mean for Chittister? radical
feminism reforming a "patriarchal church." In a 1997 keynote
address to the CTA [Call to Action] convention in Detroit, Chittister
said, "Patriarchy denies men feeling and substitutes heart attacks
and alcoholism Hiroshima and the Holocaust instead...Little boys are
taught not to cry, ever, for anything; that being able to kill, maim and
destroy without flinching marks their passage to manliness...We are...a
culture based on male supremacy. Patriarchy...allows the people on top
to rape nature, to nuke the world, to colonize peoples, and to rape, beat
and marginalize women, however benignly. These are the touchstones of
the patriarchal world view." Yikes! Is that what we’ve been teaching
our sons? Has this woman ever been to dinner with a real family?
This tirade against patriarchy was contrasted to feminism,
which, according to Chittister is always benevolent. "To the feminist
everyone and everything has rights." Feminism defends the poor from
the rich, women from exploitation, animals, the globe, the rain forests,
and even men from corporate exploitation. One is tempted to say, "Tell
that to the 35 million unborn children sacrificed on the bloody altar
of feminism," a cause championed by her CTA audience.
Chittister has connections to some of the most radical
groups in the country, including Interfaith Alliance an adjunct
of Norman Lear’s People for the American Way and a bastion of liberalism.
She’s a past president of the LCWR, [Leadership Conference of Women Religious],
a group so controversial another body was formed to represent the real
nuns in the Church. She reports for the dissenters’
Chittister has
connections to some of the most radical groups in the country. |
house organ, the National Catholic Reporter, and
attended the 1995 UN conference in Beijing in that capacity. Her roots
go deep into the soil of feminist rebellion. Donna Steichen, in her book
Ungodly Rage, described Chittister’s keynote address to the 1986
Time Consultant’s infamous conference on Women in the Church. "She
deplored patriarchy in all its forms. In her opinion, Jesus intended a
non-sexist, androgynous Church, but his disciples were unable or unwilling
to effect it." [Ignatius Press, 1992, page 127]
A frequent speaker at CTA conventions, Chittister will
keynote three regional meetings this summer and fall in Los Angeles, Philadelphia,
and Chicago. Joining her on the agenda will be many dissenters who have
made careers of attacking Church teachings. Among them are Charlie Curran
who denies Church doctrine on sexuality and orchestrated the dissent to
Humanae Vitae, the 1968 encyclical proscribing contraception; Edwina
Gateley, so-called bible scholar, who "concelebrates" Mass wearing
a stole, the symbol of priesthood; Sr. Jeannine Gramick whom the Vatican
banned from ministry to homosexuals and silenced (unsuccessfully) for
her advocacy of the gay lifestyle; Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ, coordinator
of Future Church which agitates for female ordination, optional
celibacy, and inclusive language; Rosemary Ruether, a new-age eco-feminist
who promotes goddess worship; and a pastoral team originally from Corpus
Christi parish in Rochester who started their own church after being excommunicated
for blessing same-sex unions, distributing Communion to non-Catholics,
and having women serve at the altar.
These are Chittister’s companions on the spiritual journey.
Where they are ultimately headed is unclear, but it is certainly not in
the company of Jesus who said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
That NCEA’s Helm could call Chittister "faithful to the Church"
shows either an astounding ignorance or deliberate disingenuousness. What’s
particularly disturbing is that only five dioceses objected to
the NCEA mainstreaming her radical views. And for all her pontificating
about the poor, Chittister’s lifestyle as a globe-trotting professional
speaker and agitator moving from convention to convention spouting her
feminist ideas ought to raise an eyebrow or two. Like St. John admonishes,
"Let us love in deed and in truth and not merely talk about it."
Chittister lists problems that deserve serious consideration.
But she seems less interested in finding solutions than in building a
platform from which to attack the "patriarchal" Church and promote
socialism. Do her accusations stand up under scrutiny? Only if one ignores
history to buy in to her distorted vision. Just a few examples suffice.
It was the Church that from its earliest days forbade exposure of female
infants and still defends little girls being murdered in China and women
being subjected to such brutality as female castration. Pagan women converted
to the early Church precisely because they saw Christian men treating
the women in their lives with love and respect.
"Empowered" women people the pages of Church
history: St. Margaret of Scotland who gentled a husband and a country,
Blanche, the mother of King Louis of France, Queen Isabella of Spain who
financed Columbus, St. Catherine of Siena advisor of popes, St. Joan of
Arc who led an army, and the great abbesses of the middle ages who often
ruled over double monasteries of both men and women. In modern times we
have Mother Cabrini,
women people the pages of Church history. |
Elizabeth Seton, Dorothy Day, Mother Teresa, and Mother
Angelica women who founded hospitals, orphanages, schools, shelters
for the poor, as well as a multi-million dollar television network. We
have philosopher-martyr Edith Stein and authors Sigrid Undset and Alice
von Hildebrand. There’s lawyer Mary Ann Glendon who represents the Vatican
at UN conferences and academic, Janet Smith, who so articulately defends
Church teaching on human sexuality. Mary Kay Clark, founder of Seton
Home School, Nellie Gray of March for Life, Judie Brown of
American Life League, Mercedes Wilson of Family of the Americas,
and Phyllis Schlafly who spearheaded the defeat of the ERA [Equal Right
Amendment] are all examples of strong, orthodox Catholic women, none of
whom, I wager, consider themselves oppressed by the Church.
But my favorite examples are the unsung millions of dedicated
mothers who have rejected the siren song of the Joan Chittisters among
us to rock the cradle and renew the Catholic world. There are few "jobs"
in life that have cosmic influence but a mother touches not only her
own children, but every person those children ever touch with a ripple
effect spreading down the generations.
My own mother, adopted daughter of a Cleveland lawyer
and his multi-talented wife, spent two years in law school at
the top of her class at Case Western Reserve University.
"dropped out" in 1941 to fly to San Diego and
marry her high school sweetheart, a young ensign headed for Pearl Harbor.
By the grace of God, Daddy’s cruiser, the Detroit, survived the battle
unscathed while Mom watched and prayed from Oahu, not knowing whether
he was dead or alive. My parents went on to rear 10 children who gave
them 36 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren (so far). The sanctity
of human life, love of children, and commitment to service are the bedrock
of the family.
Mom promoted the education of her six daughters because,
"an educated man is an educated man, but an educated woman is an
educated family." Ultimately strong Catholic families who know the
faith and are devoted to the Eucharist, the Mother of God, and the Church
will doom to oblivion the radical feminist nonsense of Sr. Joan Chittister
and her allies. It can’t come too soon for most of us.
Happy belated Mother’s Day, Mom. And thank-you for the
gift of life and the gift of the faith.
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