Write to Archbishop Rembert Weakland, 3501 South Lake
Drive, P.O. Box 07912, Milwaukee, WI 53207. Ask him to obey the Vatican
& halt the cathedral renovation. Copy your letter to the Apostolic
Nuncio, Most Rev. Gabriel Montalvo, 3339 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington,
D.C. 20008.
Oppose the Univ. of Dayton’s award to Sen. John Glenn (ret.)
Write to the President, Br. Raymond L. Fitz, U. of Dayton, St. Mary’s
Hall, Dayton, OH 45469-1634, (937) 229-2228,
E-mail or write President George Bush asking him to ban
research on human embryos: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500
Oppose the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s support
for embryonic stem cell research. (120 Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005-4001).
Donate to NO group advocating research that kills or injures human subjects.
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