from Heaven: Is your computer on?
Our culture has lost the virtue of modesty. We’re not
just talking clothing (or lack of it) although that’s an element. Modesty
is a profound virtue enveloping the heart and soul like a chrysalis protecting
a forming butterfly. The modest person not only dresses to avoid lust,
but also guards the eyes and ears, gateways to the soul. Modesty doesn’t
confess its sins on national TV or share indiscriminately what should
be treasured and hidden. It doesn’t flaunt itself by revealing clothes
or bizarre body piercing and tattoos, nor does it express itself in loud
or vulgar language that shocks. The answer to a lascivious age is a return
to modesty.
Council for the Family: "Even
if they are socially acceptable, some habits of speech and dress are not
morally correct and represent a way of trivializing sexuality, reducing
it to a consumer object. Parents should therefore teach their children
the value of christian modesty, moderate dress, and when it comes to trends,
the necessary autonomy." [Truth and meaning of Human Sexuality,
no. 97.]
Pope Pius XII: [These prophetic words were spoken
in 1941 to the young women of Catholic Action of Rome.] "
With the exception of the Blessed Virgin, it is vain to
imagine a human life which could be at once pure and lived without vigilance
or combat…You do not know the depth of human fragility, nor what corrupted
blood runs from the wounds left in human nature by Adam’s sin leaving
ignorance in intelligence, malice in the will, greed for pleasure and
weakness as regards the difficult accomplishment of the good in the passions
of the senses…As long as certain provocative clothes remain the sad privilege
of women of questionable reputation and as the sign that makes them known,
you will not dare adopt them for yourselves. But the day when these clothes
will be worn by individuals above all suspicion, women will no longer
hesitate to go with the tide, a tide which may bring about the worst falls."
[In a later talk the pope stressed modesty’s discretion. We tend today
to talk too freely about private things, sex education being a prime example.]
"Modesty…accompanies [man] throughout his entire life and demands
that certain acts, which are good in themselves because they are divinely
established, should be protected by a discreet veil of shadow and the
reserve of silence, in order to confer on them the respect owed the dignity
of their great purpose."
Teresa Bracco: Teresa
was born in Santa Giulia in northern Italy in 1924 and named after St.
Therese of Liseux, beatified the year before. When she was nine, Teresa
read a biography of St. Dominic Savio. Fascinated by his motto, "Better
to die than to sin," she was determined to follow his example. The
virgin martyr saints: Agnes, Lucy, Cecilia, and the patron of her parish,
St. Julia who accepted crucifixion rather than renounce her faith, also
attracted her. During W.W. II partisan guerrilla activity against the
Third Reich brought retaliation to her little town. The villagers fled
from the approaching Germans. Teresa and her sister Angela hid in the
cavity of a rock but were discovered and captured. Later, with other young
women of the town, they were taken into the woods and attacked. The girls
returned with terrible stories of their violation, except for Teresa.
Her body was discovered later, hands crossed over her breast as if protecting
herself. A bullet had penetrated her hands and lodged in her chest. She
was bruised and bitten, her skull was depressed from the kick of a hobnailed
boot. A friend recalled her saying, "I would rather die than be defiled."
Teresa was 20 years old. She died, like Maria Goretti, a martyr for purity.
At her beatification, Pope John Paul II called her life "a message
of hope for those who are striving to run counter to the spirit of the
world! To young people…learn from her clear faith…and the courage of sacrificing
even life if necessary, in order not to betray the values that give it
Alois Stepinac:
[After World War II when the Communists occupied Croatia and suppressed
the Church Archbishop Stepinac (later made Cardinal) remained loyal to
the Holy See. His action earned persecution and imprisonment. A man of
great humility and simplicity, he saw in war the bitter fruit of sin especially
sins against purity. His words are a warning to our own deeply immoral
age.] "Married couples no longer respect the values of marriage;
they practice adultery, they no longer worry about children; in a word,
they do everything to erase the name of God from the face of the earth.
They destroy all moral values. Thus, it is not surprising that God now
speaks to the crowds in the only language that they can understand…and
there is chaos in the land, the horror of war, the destruction of everything.
It is the fruit of an immense selfishness…The first rule, if we wish to
see better days, is to give to God the respect that is due Him, with humility;
it is the only way to peace."
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