***Dominic Sisters Host
Lesbian Retreat! A
few issues ago we reported on the Dominican Retreat House in McLean, VA
hosting a spirituality series with lesbian partners Mary Hunt and Diane
Neu of WATER [Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual]. Happily
it was cancelled after Bishop Loverde’s intervention. We hoped never to
mention Dominicans and lesbians in the same sentence again. Alas, a correspondent
from Philadelphia sent the following corroborated report about the VA
Dominicans' PA counterparts. "Last summer the Dominican Sisters of
the Congregation of St. Catherine de’Ricci sponsored a ‘conference’ at
their retreat house in Elkins Park, PA just outside Philadelphia. This
was, as the sisters said, ‘open to Quaker women…who are lesbian, bisexual
or moving towards those identities.’" [Do they use U-Hauls or
Ryders?] The ad for the retreat detailed the cost "for women
and girls, 14 or over who sleep over," [Gulp!] as well
as "for children under 14." [Yikes!] Our correspondent
asked "Can this reasonably be construed as placing young female children
in what is called ‘an occasion of sin?’" [Yup!] "Essentially,
these Dominican Sisters, instead of fighting against the enemies of God,
have joined them!" [You got that right! Unfortunately, Cardinal
Bevilaqua, washed his hands of the matter relating through his Vicar,
Msgr. Alexander J. Palmieri, that the sisters are "a religious institute
of pontifical right…under the direct jurisdiction of the Apostolic See
(Rome), and as such is exempt in most matters from the oversight of the
diocesan bishop." The Cardinal chose not to use his "bully pulpit"
or his diocesan paper to rein in the nuns’ loopy decision. He forwarded
our correspondent’s letter to the good sisters who’s president, Sr. Mary
Ellen Bennett, responded, "I am proud that the Dominican Sisters
offer hospitality to all people, especially those who are most maligned."
Oh, please, Sister. Sexual deviants are a privileged clique in our society
maligning any who dare to question their depraved behavior.]
***We visited the Quaker
Website for a description of the lesbian
conference which casts the word "friends" in a whole new
light. The conference "exists to be a loving time and space in which
Quaker women and women familiar with Quakerism, who are lesbian or bisexual…can
connect to spirit and to each other. [Hmm...] We envision a community
in which each woman shares worship, spiritual exploration and loving relationships
in an environment which embraces diversity, individual leadings [to
where?], struggle, and play." [Exactly what kind of "play?"
Would you trust your teenage daughter with these ladies? Or with the Dominican
sisters at this point?]
***And Shame on the
Sisters of Mercy! When the NCEA [National Catholic Education
Assoc.] earned criticism last winter for naming renegade nun Sr. Joan
Chittister, OSB a keynote speaker to their national convention in April,
the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas were quick to rally support. In February
they issued a press release from their office in Silver Spring, MD offering
scholarships to pay for parochial school teachers "whose institutions
are unwilling to finance their attendance." [Take that, you nasty
bishops!] The sisters heartily endorsed Chittister’s dissent saying,
"Many of us have drawn inspiration and insight from Sister Chittister’s
numerous written and public presentations," [Translation: We love
the way she bashes the hierarchy!] She is outstanding in her successful
application of Catholic social teaching to contemporary issues and events."
[Translation: We love her advocacy of globalism, environmentalism,
feminism, and every other ism on the planet and admire the way she beats
up on the magisterium who won’t allow women priests.]
Pray the Sisters of Mercy return to sanity for the sake
of youngsters attending their schools. Don’t give ‘em any $$$!
***Check those paints, pastels,
and crayons! They come in colorful boxes
that look like markers and crayons. They’re sold in fun flavors like chocolate,
banana, grape, and cola. You’ll see them at state and county fairs in
the same kind of clear plastic bowls that hold ringpops and other candy.
They’re condoms and the companies that produce them are after your kids!
Line Laboratories’ spring catalogue markets condoms and lubricants like
crayons and candy. There’s even a dental dam [Please don’t ask us to
explain what that is.] in a package with big red lips on the outside,
reminiscent of the wax lips we used to buy at the candy counter as kids.
The setup displays are designed to attract children with bright primary
colors and tempting pictures of fruit and candy. If you think this is
about adults engaging in private behavior think again. It’s all about
soliciting children for sex. Pedophiles and sexual deviants will love
these products! They’ll help them seduce children. Remember when the liberals
went after Joe Camel for selling cigarettes to our kids. Where are they
***The culture of death
is consuming our women and children and not only the
unborn. In 1985 researchers at the University of Minnesota studied 3,636
rural high school students in grades 9 to 12. The average age of participants
was 16.3 years old. Results showed that if a girl had an induced abortion
in the preceding 6 months she was ten times more likely to attempt
suicide. If she had an abortion any time previously in her life, she was
six times more likely to attempt it. In 1996, the British Medical
Journal published the results of a study of Finnish women. Those who aborted
had a 488% higher risk of dying by suicide in the 12 months following
the "completion of pregnancy" compared to women who carried
their babies to term. Abortion kills children; it kills their moms too.
***Cure Diabetes by
Cannibalizing Babies? The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
has embarked on a high visibility ad campaign, Samantha’s Hope for
a Cure, featuring a beautiful, sad-eyed little girl with diabetes
[Wonder why they didn’t use a pimply-faced adolescent boy?] to
promote research using stem cells from human embryos. Only one leeeetle
problem. They kill the tiny babies to harvest their cells. A July 17th
full-page ad in the Washington Times referenced "a recent national
survey" to back the foundation’s claim of overwhelming support for
using embryos. They cited
. which reports on a June ABC poll that Richard M. Doerflinger
of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops calls "biased and
misleading." The poll made no distinction between stem cells from
embryos vs. adults. Clearly there’s a BIG difference between killing
a "little sprout" for his cells and taking them from the
"spare tire" on an adult couch potato.
Ironically, research using adult stem
cells is more promising than embryo research, with no examples of disasters
like the recent study inserting embryonic stem cells into the brains of
human guinea pigs where the cells rapidly multiplied causing spasms and
uncontrollable jerking. The study was suspended, but they couldn’t undo
the damage. The Samantha Campaign doesn’t mention the horrendous
outcome of that research.
***Is There a Pro-life
Credibility Problem? In recent years, a strategy among some
pro-life groups has been to focus almost exclusively
on opposing the gruesome Partial Birth Abortion method. It’s a big fund-raising
tool! The photos of fully developed infants so brutally murdered evoke
horror. But that strategy may have backfired by reducing the impact of
killing babies who are "just embryos," or even tinier
"zygotes"? Does God see those little ones as the world does
insignificant and expendable? or as unique, unrepeatable
gifts, no less valuable than newborns, toddlers, teenagers, or adults.
Isn’t that tiny cell the mustard seed that grows into a magnificent tree?
God honored our earliest beginnings by experiencing the profound humility
of being a single cell in Mary’s womb. He united Himself with us totally
in our humanity from the first instant. So we must fight for the baby
conceived in his mother’s womb or a petri dish with equal zeal to defending
older children. If we don’t, all humanity is on the trash heap.
***Another Catholic
U. Awards Pro-Abort! The Alumni Association of the University
of Dayton, run by the Marianists plans to present retired Sen. John Glenn
with their 2001 "Leadership in Virtue Award" on 9/20/01. Glenn
consistently voted for pro-abortion legislation during his entire career
in the Senate. Write to UD President, Brother Raymond L. Fitz, S.M. Ask
him to follow the lead of Archbishop Charles Chaput and other Catholic
leaders who will not lend credibility to pro-abortion figures, recognizing
that such actions scandalize the faithful.
***Did James Kopp Kill
Bernard Slepian? The FBI spent months tracking down
the alleged sniper-killer of Canadian abortionist Bernard Slepian. But
is Kopp the man? The FBI’s portrait of a misfit drifter doesn’t match
the gentle scholar, described by friends, who left the field of embryology
to fight for the unborn. Kopp attended daily Mass, worked with Mother
Teresa’s sisters in Calcutta, and argued against killing abortionists
because they died unrepentant. The hard evidence linking Kopp to the crime
was "discovered" 13 days later buried in an area police
had already searched extensively. They found a hat, flashlight, wristwatch
and other items enclosed in a plastic bag. [How convenient for the
forensic lab.] Interestingly, the discovery came a few days after
a box of Kopp’s personal effects was retrieved from the attic of a friend
in Buffalo. Would a cold-blooded killer in his right mind who had just
committed a pre-meditated, well-planned crime take the time to bury his
hat while police cars with screaming sirens headed to the scene? A lot
of other things in this investigation just don’t match up. It reminds
one of the rush to judgment of Richard Jewell for the Olympics bombing
in Atlanta. Life Dynamics has an extensive 33-page analysis of the case
on their website at Take a look and pray for James Kopp.
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