Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Fr. Frank Pavone who is leaving Priests
for Life to return to parish work in the Archdiocese of New York.
We are most grateful to Father for his tremendous work and especially
his support of using graphic images of our precious babies to convert
hearts. May all the ordained saints join in a chorus of prayers for your
continued faithful service to the Church.
To Fr. Norman Weslin
of the Lambs of Christ who has spent more time in jail for defending
our littlest brothers and sisters than any other priest we know. His unfailing
example of cheerfulness and charity toward the enemies of Christ are a
great encouragement. Thank you, Father, and may our "12 star general,"
the Blessed Mother wrap you in her mantel of protection.
Millstone Award
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Patti Morrissey
who used her campaign literature to imply
that a Catholic can legitimately support killing unborn children. Her
crass attempt to influence Catholic voters by advertising her affiliation
with Christ the Redeemer parish deserves the strongest reprimand and removal
as a religious ed teacher. May St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the
parochial school system, intercede for her conversion.
To California
Governor, Gary Davis, who betrayed his
faith by promoting and signing into law bills giving special privileges
to couples publicly practicing sodomy and fornication and one that authorizes
dispensing without prescription and to minors a pill that murders unborn
children. May saints Thomas More and Maximilian Kolbe who accepted martyrdom
rather than cooperate with evil governments, intercede for Governor Davis.
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