English Author Urges Courage of Martyrs:

I started receiving your newsletter after I spoke at one of your meetings during a lecture trip to the USA a couple of years ago. It's a good read and I love your Lamplighter and Millstone awards.

We need to be upbeat and recognize the dinosaurs of the feminist/ecclesiastical bureaucrats for what they are. They are on the way out, and the young people who are left in the Church are of a quite different sort. We keep hearing good things from the USA and here in Britain we have the stirrings of renewal too, with groups like Youth 2000 and the Faith Movement, new vocations — even a new religious order, the Sisters of the Gospel of Life, based in Glasgow. These people are not represented on fossilized bodies such as our dreary National Board of Catholic Women. But the Board represents the Church of yesterday and these new groups are the Church of tomorrow. And today? Well there are people praying and working. Last year a team came together to create a big "Festival of Catholic Culture" in Westminster Cathedral Hall — it was a huge success and we're doing it again this year. All the good Catholic groups, publishers, etc. run stalls and displays and we have inspiring music from young people's choirs, plus workshops on topics including art, architecture, bioethics, and history. Last year's event was a terrific experience — huge crowds, a wonderful atmosphere, and all the groups present — which included all Britain's major pro-life movements — sold stacks of books, videos, tapes, cards, etc.

Earlier (in June 2000) several dissident groups, led by the Catholic Women's Network (which supports ordination of women, promotes Catholics for a Free Choice and Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement) announced "Jigsaw" which would feature stalls, displays, music, etc. It was planned for a Catholic college in South London. Fortunately, loyal Catholics found out about it and made a fuss - a major Catholic newspaper ran a story explaining the background to the event and real Catholic organizations quietly dropped any idea of joining in. It was all a flop.

We must not be discouraged. The whole history of the Church is of renewal following bad times. Somehow, we have to find the courage and faith of our spiritual ancestors. St. Edmund Campion wrote a challenge to the rulers of Englan in his day who were persecuting the Church, announcing that the campaign was now on to win his country back for the Faith. He faced — and he knew it — horrific and vicious torture if captured. But he and his fellow martyrs went ahead anyway. We should take heart from his words and follow his call: "The expense is reckoned, the enterpise is begun. It is of God, it cannot be withstood..."

Joanna Bogle
Surrey, England

To receive a copy of Joanna's booklet, Does the Church Oppress Women, send a $5.00 check to Joanna Bogle, 34 Barnard Gardens, New Malden, Surrey KT3 6QG, England.

Archbishop Responds To Millstone Letter:

Thank you for writing. I read your letter carefully.

In making changes in the interior of the Cathedral we were inspired by two documents from Rome: Chapter 5 of the Introduction to the Roman Missal which deals with church buildings and renovations, and Part 1, Chapter 3, of the Ceremonial for Bishops that treats specifically of the needs of a cathedral. It would have been more helpful to me to engage in a discussion on the basis of these authoritative Roman documents.

It is wonderful that the Church today wants to respect the rights of the laity to have recourse against a decision of the bishop that they feel harms them. At the same time, the Church wants to be a just church and allow the bishop an appeal. That I am doing so should not then be considered disobedience. But I am indeed appreciative of the Mass celebrated for my intention.

May God bless you in abundance for your concern. Peace.

Sincerely yours in the Lord,
Most Rev. Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B.
Archbishop of Milwaukee

The Vatican protocol responding to the canon lawsuit against the renovation of St. John's Cathedral, stated that "initial examination has revealed sufficient indications that the proposed restoration would not conform to the relative liturgical norms. [This Dicastery] has, therefore, in unison with the Congregation for Bishops, acted to invite the Archbishop of Milwaukee to suspend any work of renovation until the project may be reviewed by the Holy See." Rather than obey the Vatican office, Archbishop Weakland stepped up the destruction of the cathedral. His disingenuous statement about the documents is just that. Unfortunately, at this point the question is moot; the wrecking of the cathedral is a done deal. Please pray for the archbishop. Editor

And From One of Our Favorite Archbishops

Thank you for your May 31 letter and your kind words. [Presenting the Lamplighter Award] I will appreciate your ongoing prayers. May the Lord give you peace.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Denver

"Mean-Spirited Writing" Disturbs Reader:

I was disappointed to read The Archbishop as Apprentice in your summer newsletter. Arch, sarcastic, and mean-spirited writing has no place in a publication by and for Christians. This piece was definitely NOT A.M.D.G.

If a Christian objects to certain actions or words of others, his criticism must be respectful and constructive. St. Paul tells us to admonish one another in love. "Is it loving or not?" should be the test for a Christian editor.

I enjoyed your piece, From the Kitchen Table. Beautiful advice for parents of teens and young adults! God bless you.

Mary Davidson
Springfield, VA

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