Award given to those fostering the light
of truth in a dark world:
To Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. Father Fessio is
the founder of Ignatius Press and the St. Ignatius Institute at the University
of San Francisco, a great books program faithful to the teachings of the
Church. SII was a little jewel shining in the ruins of Catholic education.
When newly installed university president Fr. Stephen Privett, S.J. gutted
the Institute last year, most of the faculty resigned and joined with
Fr. Fessio to found Campion College to carry on its work. Subsequently,
Father’s Jesuit superior, Fr. Thomas Smolich, ordered him to sever
his connections to the college and exiled him to a small hospital in southern
California. Father, like a true Jesuit has obeyed. We know in his white
martyrdom he will bring many souls to Christ. Thank you, Father, for your
example of obedience. May every persecuted saint in the heavens intercede
for you.
Millstone Award
given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's
To Fr. Stephen Privett and Fr. Thomas Smolich
for their part in this disgraceful affair. The Jesuits were founded as the Pope's men, but the order has become a brood of vipers operating many schools of scandal where The Vagina Monologues take prominence over the gospel. May Jesuit martyr St. Edmund Campion pray for the conversion of his brothers priests.
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