Dear Readers,
The devil must love ambiguity. Trap the faithful on a
moving seesaw until they don't know whether they're up or down. To be
honest that's how I feel about the diocese. We have many orthodox priests
and seminary training is relatively solid, but there are worrisome signs
The Fr. Verecchia scandal continues to unfold and the
reports indicate more legal maneuvering than shepherding on the part of
the diocese. Bishop Loverde says the diocese acted "honorably and properly."
But it's chilling to see diocesan attorneys excuse withholding information
from Jim Lambert about his wife's affair with Verecchia citing the diocese's
"duty" to "protect" Nancy Lambert's so-called "privacy." Jim Lambert might
have won custody of his children, but for the diocesan cover-up of the
lovers' ardent e-mails. Who did the silence serve? The adulterers. And
how does this relate to what the Church calls sins of omission? The diocese
won a legal victory; not a moral one when the judge dismissed Lambert's
civil suit.
It is troubling to see a columnist in the Herald, Msgr.
Robert Aucoin, who as rector of Wadhams Hall College Seminary in Ogdensburg
(now closed) invited notorious sex educator Fr. Richard Sparks to speak
to catechists. Sparks is responsible for the horrendous Growing in
Love program which teaches youngsters the nitty-gritty of homosexual
sex. As a speaker Sparks has made blasphemous comments about Jesus and
Mary Magdalen and Mary and Joseph that are too disgusting to repeat. When
faithful Catholics held a prayer vigil in reparation for his talk, retaliation
was swift. One couple was banned from continuing as extraordinary ministers
of the Eucharist at the Cathedral parish. What kind of example did this
man give young seminarians? And why did the bishop instruct the Herald
to hire him?
Bishop Loverde has done many good things in the three
years since his installation. His monthly vigils at the abortion mills
are welcome. His regular celebration of Mass at the Cathedral is the faithful
fulfillment of a duty and a blessed opportunity to teach. Early in his
tenure he forbade Mary Hunt and Diann Neu from speaking at the Dominican
Retreat House. It wasn’t a difficult call. The lesbian couple exemplify
the lunatic fringe of heresy. However, other dissenters, more dangerous
for being more “nuanced,” poison the faithful unhindered.
Monika Hellwig, who denies the divinity of Christ and Gerard Sloyan, a
founding member of the Association of the Rights of Catholics in the Church
(ARCC), one of the worst dissent groups in the country, have spoken at
churches in the diocese without problem, Hellwig more than once. Did the
bishop know? Yes, we told him.
When Sr. Joan Chittister, who has directly defied the
pope, gave the keynote address at the National Catholic Education Assoc.
(NCEA) convention in 2001, five dioceses spoke out. Arlington did not.
The diocese sent a delegation headed by School Superintendent Timothy
McNiff who says it’s okay for pro-abort politicians to speak in
schools if they address other topics. Parents’ rights continue to
be violated through sex ed and unnecessary and intrusive homeschool guidelines.
But the things I have found most disturbing relate to
the Mass. Why does the bishop, despite the pope’s call for a generous
application of the indult, continue to refuse the Tridentine Mass? Personally,
I prefer a reverent novus ordo, but there are many rites in the Church.
Why should those who want to worship as our forefathers did for hundreds
of years be treated like errant stepchildren? It is ungenerous and unpastoral.
Why are priests forbidden to encourage the faithful to
receive Communion on the tongue? One of the most beautiful sermons I’ve
ever heard described the two times in life when we are fed: as dependent
infants and when we’re in love. What a powerful metaphor of our
relationship to God.
Bishop Loverde speaks of unity, but at Christendom’s
opening Mass his actions brought disunity. Christendom’s custom
is to receive Communion at the altar rail. What greater sign of unity
than a college president, faculty, and students kneeling together as equals
to receive the body and blood of our Lord! When the bishop stood to distribute
Communion while Fr. Robert Ruskamp distributed to those kneeling at the
rail that unity was broken. How sad to see the faculty kneel before the
bishop to vow their loyalty to the Church, but forced to stand before
God Himself. Too often the appeal to “unity” has been used
to suppress the more reverent behavior in favor of the less reverent.
Fr. Verecchia also spoke of unity when he forbade the students from Seton
School in Manassas to kneel for Communion or even genuflect before receiving.
I exhort our readers to pray for Bishop Loverde and all
the bishops of the U.S. We live in tragic and schizophrenic times. Trust
carefully and only those who earn it. If you see inconsistent behavior
that sets you off-balance beware. Jesus told us to say yes when we mean
yes and no when we mean no. Ambiguity was not His way.
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